the Jena 6


Or, a little more realistic example. Things are tense over in Iraq, but when that group of soldiers snapped and executed that innocent family they were charged. I’m pretty sure the tension between our military and the Iraqi’s is a little more tense than at some LA high school.


That’s a terrible comparison lol. First off your are trying to compare an assassination to an unfair fight, and the military to a bunch of high school kids. That just doesn’t work, try again.

The soldiers should have been charged with murder, these kids should no be charged with attempted murder, it’s absurd. The nooses will probably work against their cause because the D.A. will try to say the nooses where what caused the intent to kill the white kid.

Our system is a joke. A 16 year old black female and a 17 year old black male have consensual sex, somehow it ends up in court and the male gets 10 years in prison. A white teacher can sleep with one of her 13 year old students, where she is in a position of power, and get 5 months probation. Our system is very fair :bloated:.