The largest Drain hole in the World!

Lets go swiming by the hole everyone!

I would like to ride the full pipe when its empty.

I wonder if you got sucked into that thing when the water was going through if you could survive. Looking at how fast the water is coming out down below I’m guessing you wouldn’t be in the pipe very long. Probably come out a little fucked up, but I bet you could survive.

According to Davis Wiki, "for obvious reasons, swimming near the glory hole is both prohibited and stupid.


it swallows a rate of 48,400 cubic feet per second

…hey, someone had to do it.

finally! something i can have sex with!


I wonder if you got sucked into that thing when the water was going through if you could survive. Looking at how fast the water is coming out down below I’m guessing you wouldn’t be in the pipe very long. Probably come out a little fucked up, but I bet you could survive.


I can’t help but think that it would just about tear someone apart with the given forces. Anything is possible though.


finally! something i can have sex with!


there it is…all joke from now on will be ruined because of this comment


there it is…all joke from now on will be ruined because of this comment


i try my best

Dams are harmful to everything and are in no way cool. That thing is a hideous ecocidal monstrosity. Read Derrick Jensen


Something tells me you can’t survive that…

that is some crazy shit

pffft super massive black holes swallow something like 6 earths per minute. That hole ain’t got shit.

I’d bet super massive black holes swallow a lot faster than that…

I’m pretty sure it’s something like 1 earth every 10 seconds. That’s a lot considering it’s never coming back out.

Hm. I would have expected like 10 Earths/nanosecond or something like that. I’m officially unimpressed by super massive black holes. :stuck_out_tongue:


Something tells me you can’t survive that…


the water pressure/weight would kill you when the pipe narrows, assuming the pipe is full of water and it’s not just a glorified slide. If the wate pressure doesn’t do it, bottom line it’s a freefall of a few hundred feet.

holy shit that full pipe looks fucking amazing


the water pressure/weight would kill you when the pipe narrows, assuming the pipe is full of water and it’s not just a glorified slide. If the wate pressure doesn’t do it, bottom line it’s a freefall of a few hundred feet.


assuming that you drop in on the proper side, your best case scenario is that you hit bottom with maybe a foot of water as “padding” … because the water is running down the full 360* of the vertical pipe

then, after you hit bottom, you get pummeled by the wall of water coming down from above the “short side radius” of the bend … then you pass into the “rapids” inside the horizontal pipe, which will surely bask you against the botom a few time, and also starve you of oxygen

then you get spit outthe end at 60mph … and hit the river bed / boulders / trees

id say it would be a pretty shitty water slide all in all

someone send this to mythbusters and have them toss there ballistics dummy down that shit.

I def don’t think surviving is much of a possibility.

I guess i’m the only sick f*ck who though of this…
If I controlled the danm. I’d block off the water for weeks untill it got really high…
all the skaters would be in the pipe…then…release the water… and watch…haha it would be helarious!