The last movie you've seen, and rate it.

The Golden Compass


The ice bears are the only reason it gets a 2. The movie sucks.

I am Legend.

Orange County…

i’d give it a 6.5/10, but because of jack black, make that a 7.5/10

Mr. Brooks 8.7/10 . kevin costner, william hurt, and dane cook. also demi moore. this movie was pretty sweet, it was an independent film so they had complete creative control. they dont hold back on stuff and this movie def gave me the chills after it was over. very cool movie and dane cook wasnt bad as a serious actor

I don’t think I could say this in any context.

haha yea

total access by blockbuster price is goin up per my latest email from them. EW

FuCK. Might have to go back to NetFlix. I don’t like the fact that they cut down on in store rentals.


Rescue Dawn - Pretty good movie. Not as eventful as I was expecting but really shows how much it would have sucked to be me a prisoner in Vietnam. 8/10

Eastern Promises - 8.8/10 - shows the inside look of the russian mob in London… i watched the making of on the DVD and it was really cool… this woulda had a higher score if it ended differently i suppose… but it was a very cool film… and wowzers at the naked guy fight scene

Funny, I was just about to ask if anyone had seen this. Viggo Mortensen is pretty cool. Is it rentable?

yes its rentable now… Viggo is the MAN

I never even heard of it until I saw it on the shelf at Blockbuster. I whole heartedly agree, this movie was very good.

I will give it a 9/10 just because he had an imaginary friend that was very smart lol. Also you have to remember that Dane Cook… nvm I wont give it away.

i believe the the imaginary friend was his own conscious(sp?)

Id say the imaginary friend was more like his alter ego/ instigator to his addiction. Almost like Tyler Dyrden (sp?) in Fight Club. Their chemistry was awesome, it made the movie.

i almost bought easter promises today, guess ill have to pick it up. i <3 ed History of Violence

I Am Legend
7.5 / 10 word about the zombie things could have been done better. and could have been an 8 if it weren’t for the mustang. :stuck_out_tongue:

Spiderman 3
8/10 kinda a lot going on, but lots of action

Yeah I thought the hunting with the GT500 was pretty funny.

American Pie Beta House

I’d give it a 7/10. Lots of nice titties and some pretty funny stuff.

eastern promises


i expected more… a naked guy fighting in the shower was the high point of this movie…

and i am highly ungay lol

Stardust - 7.5/10

pretty good fantasy movie. Story was pretty good and scenes were done very well

Charlie Wilson’s War- 5/5

I’d even say it was the best movie of 07. Lots of titties, weapons, alcohol, humor, etc. what more could you want?