The last movie you've seen, and rate it.

Would Ferrari even let them crash that car? Hard to imagine they would considering what you had to be in order to get one in the first place. It’s not like they had Eddie Griffin on the cast lol.

Exactly how I felt about it.

would be nice to see an enzo, but i think the lambo reventon woulda been perfect as well

Pretty sure when they crash exotic cars in movies they aren’t crashing the really real versions. :wink:

the mummy: tomb of the dragon emperor 8.5/10
if you like hot Asian chicks this movie is for you.

i’ll have to see this. I really like subtitled movies, though, i think it makes the movie more interesting.

I saw teeth last night. It was pretty hilariously bad, I’ve decided that more movies need severed wieners in them. I got a few good chuckles here and there. In the end however, it was just dumb.


Gone Baby Gone: 8 out of 10.
Would have been 9 out of 10 but the moral decision at the end left me feeling a bit down. Ben Affleck should stick to directing (he directed this) and letting his brother Casey do the acting because this movie made it clear that’s where their respective callings are.

No Country for Old Men: 6 out of 10.
Javier Bardem’s performance was the only thing that saved this movie for me. Great actor I’ve never even heard of before this movie. The gas station scene with the old clerk was great. Hated the way the movie ended very abruptly. If you like closure in your movies this one is going to piss you off. Lots of artsy camera angles if that’s your thing.

Click: 5 out of 10
I wanted something funny and it left me depressed.

Stomp the Yard: 5 out of 10
It was on in HD so I watched it. Decent sound track. But you can see every aspect of the movie coming and it had the same story line as Drumline. Spoiler: Only highlight was Chris Brown got shot 5 mins into the movie so I didn’t have to watch that stuiped smile all movie.

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - 8/10 - this guy has a stroke and has “locked in syndrome” … he can only blink one eye, before the stroke he was living the life as editor of french elle magazine. this is based on a true story, as the guy wrote a book, letter by letter by blinking his eye and a translator taking everything down. the camera is the guy’s point of view, so u hear all his thoughts but none of the doctors can hear him … very interesting. directed by an artist so it was very cool. i’d like to read the book now.

oh the whole movie is in french



OK thriller. Had some suspenseful moments. Like most movies of this genre you’re going to have to suspend disbelief it get through the plot (or lack thereof). It seemed at times the film was trying to be a British zombie flik ala 30 Days Later, but it is certainly not… Very bloody and lots of stabbing, running, eating, and more running/stabbing.

The end made me want to :suicide:

There are some fairly prolonged boobie shots, albeit bloody flesh eating psycho boobies. They were nice though and worth .5pt :highfive:

thats what i was saying in the teeth thread.

I heard about this movie a while ago. I forgot the name though. Thanks.

Just finished watching “Redbelt.” If you hated most everything about “Never Back Down” then you will likely appreciate this movie.

I had pretty high expectations going into this movie, as most of my jiujitsu friends really liked it.

Anyways, maybe I’m partial to it because of the sport, but I enjoyed this movie on different levels, from how technical the fighting was, to the emotions and values of the main character. Anyone that can appreciate the concepts of honor/respect/integrity in sport/fighting will love this movie. The last 15 minutes were sensational, and while I don’t want to ruin it, the last minute just gave me chills.

8/10 for me, probably 6.5/10 for the average joe

pineapple express 7/10

step brothers 7/10

both were real funny although ide say step brothers was a lil funnier overall. bigger laughs in step brothers but more laughs in pineapple. maybe i just think that cause it was the second movie showed (drive in here plays 2 movies) also -1 to pineapple for not playing paper planes during the movie.


This movie was awesome,its like the following movies rolled into one…

Resident evil
Max Max
Escape from NY/LA
Planet Terror

This is a great B movie,tons of gore.7/10

indeed i enjoyed it, a bit of a different twist

Felony - 8/10

movie about the f’ed up prison system…

pineappple express - 6/10

really funny, and the action is awesome

step brothers - 7/10

also super funny, but dumb, but again super funny

a boy and his dog - 9/10

a great post apocalyptic cult film from 1975. If you a movie buff you need to see this. the best twist ending ever

Vantage Point. sweet film! action, suspense and it makes ya use yer noodle a bit. 8.5/10