The last movie you've seen, and rate it.

Speed Racer - 4/10…only for visual effects…beyond that…story/acting/anything else…sucked.

Never Back Down


Stupid fight club wannabe, gay, boring… And fight club wasnt even that good, so this goes to show how crappy this movie was.



Great film. Maybe it’s because I still watch Sat morning cartoons, but I really enjoyed this. The story is simple enough for kids, yet complex enough for adults. See it and you’ll know what I mean.

21 7/10 - pretty cool flick i dont think ive ever been disappointed by a kevin spacey movie. only downfall was the ending was kind of predictable.

Of course it was, the real story was on discovery last year, they just made a movie on it.

Still a good movie tho.

stepbrothers- 8/10 laughed my ass off. of course i like toilet humor, so yea.



Terrible overdone plot. I don’t mind suspending reality a bit when I’m watching a film, but the things that go on in during the course of this movie are just utterly ridiculous.

lol, WHY would you sit down to watch this?

I liked 21 it was almost identical to the book, brining down the house.

Babysitters 6/10 it was pretty decent for what it was

There was a lot wrong with this… A LOT.

For example, on the thruway he just beats the shit out of someone and vandalizes their car, it’s filmed, on youtube, and there are no repercussions what so ever?

I don’t even remember the chick being hot. Nudity would have helped this movie, but there wasn’t any if I recall.

The training was elementary and a real joke.


lol thats why i put .1-10

it sucked!

o i didnt know it was based on a true story, or a book. damn.

The Dark Knight.

I don’t know how to rate this movie. It was really good, but I liked Batman Begins a lot more, and I gave that a 9, I think.

I’m gonna go ahead and give this movie an 8.5/10. A black Enzo would have suited him much better than the fuckin lambo for a DD.

Mamma Mia…


lmao… but seriously

Step Brother 8/10

Any movie Will Ferrel is in always turns out to be a great flick. I just look at the guy and cant help but laugh. “He better not get in my face, cause I’ll drop that motherfucker”

Deleted scenes

X Files- I want to believe 6/10

Not a bad movie but it really has nothing to do with the series and is rather strange they would wait so long to put out this particular movie

Harold and Kuhmar escape from guantanimo bay - I’d give it at best a 1.738/10.

X files-I want to believe. 3/10
movie was slow,.boring,the plot sucked,.Leaves you wanting more explained.

Hellboy 2- 7.6/10 Great action.,funny one liners.Very good plot.

Harold and Kuhmar escape from guantanimo bay
I laughed alot, It was kind of enjoyable, it didnt make me want to turn it off.

The Orphanage
This movie was produced by Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy 1 & 2, Pan’s Labyrinth) and is about a family living in a mansion that used to be an old orphanage. The mother has plans to reestablish the orphanage to give children a better life, but her own adopted son disappears shortly after claiming to have met some new “imaginary” friends.
This was a little tough to watch (enjoy) the cinematography as it was only released in Spanish so you must read subtitles which distract from the actually viewing. The story was good, there were some suspenseful moments and there were some decent scares.

7 out of 10