The Mayor is in Chicago

Where did I say I knew what we had to do to turn around? Nowhere. Your reading comprehension is TERRIBLE. I personally am of the belief that Pittsburgh is too resistant to change to ever really approach the growth and economic stability that it had in the 70’s and very early 80’s. But that is neither here nor there. Like I said, I didn’t say I had the answers for what to do to fix it.

You’re just upset that I blew your argument about the NBA and whatever else out of the water. Now you are trying to change the subject. Cute.

I agree with you, but I’m talking about when you say a field or specialty and the first place you think of is Pittsburgh. While robotics, technology, and medicine are promising fields in the area, I don’t think that Pittsburgh is the first place that is thought of when those areas are mentioned, at least not now or yet.