The Millennials are coming!

That’s also where you can find sympathy. Right between shit and syphilis. :tup:

lol. Its true though. So many of today’s youth thinks that the world owes them everything because mommy and daddy were too worried about their self esteem to make them work or do anything for themselves. The person at work before me took 3 years to progress to the level I am at right now…I did it in less than 1 year. Why? because I will be in any time they need me. I have no problems staying late or coming in early and working the most ridiculous hours. That is life. Get used to it. “You gotta learn to fuck before you can jump into an orgy” as my boss says lol.

Sounds like there’s a cultural fit that may have aided you in your rapid advancement within your organization.



I can see both sides of the coin. I applaud them for not settling for what they don’t want when it comes to the work place. I also don’t buy into the fact of coddling their kids and the “Everyone is special” mantra. Truth of the matter is, a lot of these parents didn’t want their kids to grow up the way that they did with strict parents or the “tough love” that some of them received. The unfortunate part is they went from one extreme all the way to the other.

I also don’t agree with grinding some shitty job out and being one who “takes one for the team”, etc. It’s funny how corporate america works. You’re (Nikuk, this is the proper use of YOU’RE, :wink: ) expected to work for the common good of the company yet that all funnels to a few or to just one at the top. It’s been my experience that you will make more money going after the job you want with another company than sticking it out for an extended period going the raise route. The guy who replaces you usually makes more than you did when you left.

All that being said, this is definitely the “gimme gimme” generation and having information so much more attainable than before has to do with it. I think the gadget generation is definitely part of the reason for that along with lack of patience and short attention spans.

With all that being said, I am a firm believer in working hard to get what you want so again, I can see both sides of the coin.

The whole MBA class burst out laughing when the kid that supposedly knows so much that he wrote a book said that it’s OK to have had 4 jobs in a year.

Hahha, that is a bit ridiculous but I can see 2 jobs over the span of 5 years.

Sure. But when studies show that it costs like 60% of a new hire’s salary to train them, and it takes 6 months minimum, thinking that more than 1 job a year is OK shows just how clueless that kid was.

Oh well. The more kids like that there are in the workforce the easier it will be for me to get promotions.

I think you will start to see more contracts for employment if that happens much more.

hey… thats a Frank Sorce quote? I heard it at least once a week at my old job.

I’m 29 now and on my 2nd job of the year…
Should I still be looking?

My parents have given me more than I ever needed. I’ve lived VERY comfortably on their dime for a long time. Yet, I still worked my ass off, and made smart decisions that would benefit my well-being.

My saying that is not to gloat, or sound like i’m better than anyone else. But people that know me, know that at times I am not the smartest dude on the planet and really don’t have many special talents. Its just not that hard to NOT be an idiot. Genius sentence, I know. Now you get the point.

People need to stop being fucking morons and just back off on the “I need everything right now” attitude, and look to the future.

my boss has a motavational poster on his wall that says “hire a teenager while they still know everything” I always loled alittle at it.

Even though I’m technically not a ‘millenial’, I have this same idea about work, too. I grew up in Rochester where you originally thought “I gotta get a job at Xerox/Kodak/GM/Bausch&Lomb etc and I’ll be set for life!!” But then life smacks you in the face when every single one of these ‘great places’ lays everyone off and damn near goes under right as you’re entering the work force. Plus, these are our parents who have to find new homes because we can’t live like we used to since they only knew how to do one thing and when you’re 50, what the fuck are you gonna do? It’s a huge wakeup call. Times are different, I’m not going to end up like that. If I have to work at 20 different fuckin places before I find a stable place and also know I’m able to walk out the door tomorrow and have another job making the same if not more money, so be it.

It’s always the old birds trying to put that “this is how it’s been done for 30 years” mentality in your face but ya know what? Where’s Kodak? Where’s GM? Where’s Xerox? That’s right. Keep living with that mentality and see where it gets you: second rate.

I’m 20 and yes I live at home with my dad, but its not like some of you people think. This place cant be run with one person. I went to school for a year got my degree and I’m out. I have a job in my field. A farm can not be ran with one person…me and my dad split bills, we both shop for food,tools ect what ever we see we need one of use will get.

I don’t live in the typical I want this now, or the yoga at 12 today I can’t make it in.

here its wake up, feed horses, work come home split wood work on what ever, take care of fields ect…

watched it for abut 30 seconds before i realized what it was and reverted back to my original opinion that times change and so do people. Technology changes and makes it easier for everyone. Each generation throughout time has had it easier than the last for the most part. Not every single “millenial” was spoon fed and told they were a winner they’re entire lives. The world is not going to end because of spoiled brats.

^ good point

i’m not going to bother reading most of this thread, all i can say is holy fuck these old people are pissing me off.

i’m right in the begining of the “Millenials” i guess, i work early and leave late plenty as needed and i’ve worked my whole life… I see plenty of “older” people that exhibit all of the behaviors they said. It’s just a symptom of being young/niave in most circumstances and they don’t understand yet what real work is. They can’t honestly try and say when they all started working corporate jobs they loved coming in early etc.

eh whatever, fuck them, i’ll run them over with technology.

side note: the kid that said its not bad to have 4 jobs in a year… is fucking dumb.

I’m 26 and live at home…

for 3 more weeks, then I own my shit.

I have 2 cheap import POS’s

Asian families are much tighter. Does not apply.

:word: Being cool with your family != mooching off your parents.

I thought he’s hawaiian?