The most ironic moment in economic history


North Pole could be ice-free this summer, scientists say

(CNN) – The North Pole may be briefly ice-free by September as global warming melts away Arctic sea ice, according to scientists from the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado.


There are some positive aspects to the ice melting, he said. Ships could use the Northwest Passage to save time and energy by no longer having to travel through the Panama Canal or around Cape Horn.

“There’s also, or course, oil at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean,” he said. “Now, the irony of that is kind of clear but the fact that we are opening up the Arctic Ocean does make it more accessible.”

It was planned all along!!!


It’s official. The world is ending.

Doesn’t matter, we won’t be allowed to drill there. :stuck_out_tongue:

No but Russian and China will be there, August 31st.

no ice at the north pole? fuck… there goes christmas. all those elves…what a waste.

Hopefully China and they sell it to Walmart cheap. :wink:


iPfft. If china found quick & “easy” access to oil, selling it to america would be about the last thing on the To Do list.

^ True, but at least they could continue selling us poorly made crap for deep deep discounts.

Thats funny, because the people blocking US drilling are prolly believers of “Save Money, Live Better”




so when do we all die? I’m going to be pretty upset if Al Gore was lying to us

I’m amazed that you don’t have anything more to say on the subject, lol.

i was gonna add that "even if we drilled we wouldnt have that oil for 20 gazillion years and :blah: etc.

December 21, 2012.

and we’re fucked

which time zone?

eastern standard time, most likely


Run for the border?