THE most useless talent: Yours?

Personally, I don’t really have any extreme talents… :stuck_out_tongue:

THIS guy however…

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Post and share any useless talents you may have!

lol perfect circle maker…quite the feat

too much time on his hands…

My most useless talents is… watching tv? lol

watchin tv…thats preettyyy crazy lol

taleennttt …hmm…i was able to tie a cherry stem in a knot in my mouth

Come to think about it… here’s mine… I’ve got a couple.

  1. Expert-internet browsing efficiency advisory…

  2. Ability to eat as much as I can, put on a few pounds, work it off, and end up even heavier.


Pics or ban! I call bull until I see the proof personally.:wink:

omfg barbeque? lol
i said was lol that was before i had gotten my tongue pierced …i unno if i can do it n e more

Shortened from omgwtfbbq… to poke fun @ computer nerds… lol

Kinda like how the O’RLY owl came out… :stuck_out_tongue:

i can tie my shoes without looking

lol ooohh i c

i can scratch my ass AND my nose at the same time, and in opposite directions :slight_smile:

i think there shud be an award for best useless talent lol

Quite a feat!

Man… didn’t really need to know that… but I’ll confess that I actually tried that right then after reading about it… Not that hard! (since it’s in on direction, back and forth)

i was just kidding you know, but you trying to do that just made it all worth while to make up random shit :slight_smile:

Itzzz whad I do-- If I make people happy, I don’t mind embarrassing myself:R

For a guy… (even girl maybe?)

Is it:

Possible to go #1, AND #2 instantaneously? :confused:

DDDDAAAAAMMMMNNNNN.45444 as far as useless talents go i have a lot. ill show some during the meets.

i can move my ears, take apart ak47 and put it back together well i didnt do it since i was a kid so im might be a little rusty lol

_= :rolleyes:

Playing with an AK47 while you were a kid? Where was this, Baghdad or on your computer game?

:S Your parents must’ve loved you th--------------------------------is much!:smiley:

oh yea… i can also count to 10…


well i can’t do that

oh yea … i have a huge database of odd facts and figures that i just store in my mind… till the time has come to reveal that information.