THE most useless talent: Yours?

^^^ I want in on this free PHO too.

EDIT: Blade, I hope you read that properly.

me and my friends are all like that. its not that were mean but thats just our way of joking around.:smiley:

When me & my girlfriend broke up, I kicked her dog into the wall. I felt better after.

As far as talents go, it’s only good for the girls and it’s not so useless.



assass1n: haha yea …my friends wanted me to take one for the team and to pimp me off to some dark chocolate at carabana lol so they cud make sum money so we wudnt have to take the bus home

Tirewerks:thats so mean!!! which talent are u talkin exactly…the cherry stem? lol its useless for me actually

No it’s not. Breaking up with me was mean.
Wouldn’t you like to know Shorty.

Oh yeah… cherries… gotta love them.:wink:

By the way… it’s Chris.

well u gotta look at the bright side of things…being single and free can be fun!
no answering to sumone all the time, no stressing over stupid stuff

lol wudnt i like to know…yes…so i know wat we’re talking about haha

yes cherries are yummy lol

awesome Chris…im Angelica

yup you’re right.

see PM.


all kidding and sexual connotations aside…i was being serious…cherries are good lol

Ahhh… a witty one. I see you got the cherry one.

Phst… Chris,

She’s just a bit older than me :wink:

I have a knack for creating loooong, drawn out things… this thread for example! :stuck_out_tongue:

Phst… Gabe,

Don’t you have some hi-speed polishing you should be practicing.

Me & Shorty talked cherries already offline. :stuck_out_tongue:

hah how else am i suppose to read it… it means you want to join in on the one leg hopping contest hahah…

damn right im witty :wink: lol

and gabe whats the im just a bit older than u mean…u didnt even say hi to me at the meet!!! lol

Oiu, will make it my first priority @ the next one… had a few things on my mind that night… that was the reason why I came out— despite my early morning wakeup the next day!

My apologies!

i think my talent beats yours, i eat non stop, dont work out and dont gain!! now thats a thought! :stuck_out_tongue:

lol goood good

apologies accepted haha

Hahahahahaha Blade, I’m not talking about what I said… I’m not gonna copy and paste it, but you should read the challenge…

“winner buys pho” I’m counting on you.

LMAO phil you nerd… :stuck_out_tongue: is i buy you pho you have to but me an s15 front conversion XD