the myths of Vlad Crown

i heard that vlad can never drive straight and even drag races sideways!

i also heard that whenever they dyno his car he can make the rear tires lose traction and make smoke come out.

Holy jesus mother josephine!

I’ve heard that men who invented the wheel where inspired by the concept of a curve when they saw vlad drifting a horse.

hah you guys are jokers.

vlad crown doesn’t blow engines . they kill them selves because their not worthy of his awesome presnce.

fixed your post.

I heard he used to race kids on his street with his 230hp powerwheels S13 hatch that he made himself from the haunted plastic dash of the Devil z

I heard that Vlad’s S13 drifts so well that once when he drifted past Whitefc, Assass1n, and Kevburgler the 3 cars magically became fixed. WhiteFC’s Car finally worked…for once, Assass1n was cured of his Motor-Clap and all the damage on Kevburgler’s car was repair and the car was riced out JDM Tyte.

True story lolz

I heard once Vlad drifted so hard backwards he actually gave akuma tread on his tires!


I heard Vlad’s s13 is actually a transformer. When it gets enough angle, it’ll transform into Keichi tsuchiya!

vlad crown is him self is a transformer and when u think see him driving behind the wheel its actually a hollowgram … true story i once saw him walk around a conner heard the transforming sound and a s13 came 45km around the corner … this hall happened in 3 seconds …

I heard hes so good at drifting that he can not only prevent rotary from burning oil but drift it so hard it actually starts making it

^from metal shavings in your housing and broken bits of apex seals


dymo…don’t make me take out my big book of car accident and trouble with the police jokes now

the only reason why we had to change our clocks back an hour was because vlad woke up an hour late one day.

^your wrong. vlad drifted so hard that he went back an hour in time and everyone just decided to set their clocks to match his.

vlad crown makes the world go round …literally god sent him to earth so that his hard drifting can maintain the rotation of the earth.

^i actually saw that on discovery channel. they made a segment on how he helps the earth spin.