thats just on this version of the board, since It has gone through several versions requiring people to sign up again.
thats just on this version of the board, since It has gone through several versions requiring people to sign up again.
still isnt it, thanks try again
whatever just because you slapped on “new and improved” don’t mean shit its still the same stupid list with the same stupid crap. Maybe a few new ones or reworded ones.
In the its still gay, old, and a repost.
i love it
it was merely a joke man, relax :doh:
right but winter bordem and reposts in less than a month are getting irritating.
dude just cuz your aim name is momo something dont be geting mad at me :kekegay: :kekegay: :clit:
well then dont respond to every thread :doh:
my name has nothing to do with my car, I bought my car in January 2001 and didn’t start scrwing with it till 2002.
Did you ever thing that that name could have been created before that and :gasp: it has nothing to do with what hobbies I currently participate in, but quite possibly a older hobby that I no longer do
:eek4dance wow concept time :eek4dance
One upon a time theres was a guy who posted and posted.
then one day, he finally realized everyone wasn’t out to get him.
He was so easy to piss off and all the kids laughed and laughed at him.
then one day, he decides he’s gonna be a real dick, Still all the kids laughed even more. Then one very cold night in january, He was never seen again.
Till this day, he lurks and lurks. He couldnt play nice with other kids and decided to take his ball home.
are you gonna be this guy mike?
hahhahahahahahOFMG…this thread is hilarious
sounds like this ricer thing struck a nerve with SOS. I wonder why?
you can tell who the ricers are…they r the ones getting all pissed!!!
im just messing with you mike!!! but for 1slowshelby…im not
This thread sucks donkey balls… ohhh geeeze, i must be a ricer!
ricer or not i’m still faster than you…
wow…you guys all need to take a joke!!!
and i would never consider blue and kolar ricers…ever…i respect your guys cars very much!!! blue knows that i like his car!!! and kolars car is just sick!!!
i take jokes, i dont’ take smack talk about my friends you dont’ know