The new Crown Point Bridge

The new bridge just opened Monday, I remember a few peeps from Shift headed over to watch the demolition back in '09. I went for a random drive through the booniez Tuesday and ended up there.

Old bridge:

New bridge (obviously):

great photos, new bridge looks pretty nice.

It’s awesome how you’re ALWAYS literally MINUTES from my house, but NEVER call. Thanks, FuckFace.

excellent photos. what lense(s)?

my favorite recent set of yours!!

Sweet looking bridge! So in the river there are tons of debris from the old bridge? I’m surprised the hippies let that happen.

I was waiting for that.
Thats as far into NY as I went.

Thanks. Number 6 was taken with a Canon 135 f/2L, the rest were with a Canon 35 f/1.4L.

I’m lovin’ the sidewalks. I give it a year before someone jumps :rofl

Thanks man.

They were supposed to clean it all up, I doubt they did in freezing waters. Champlain is fucked anyway, the water around the paper mill in Ticonderoga looks like sewage.

great wont have to take the stupid ferry when i got to my uncles house now wohoo ill have to stop and take some photo’s of that thing next time im up that way on my way to his place

4 and 5 are my favorites from this set. Very nice

Crossed the old bridge literally 100’s of times, but the new job never takes me that far north. Coming into NY it used to bounce the HELL out of the old 21’ box truck, it’d toss my ass outta the seat if I was going fast enough.

Great pics as always good sir!

They got that up pretty quick. Looks real good and super nice pictars

Please for to have #4 in full size?

That needs to be my new MySpace profile pic. OR my desktop- Wayne’s ratty viper is starting to make my eyes bleed.

pics are badass man. Love em!!

so dope

dude you are a REALLY good photographer.

I beg to differ.

This thing got demo’ed in 09!?

Holy crap time flies. Nice pics man.

LAKE Champlain, thank you

Nice pics Jim!

Thanks Nick!
I took some pics of it at night a few weeks ago I should’ve added to this thread earlier.