The New zwarbyt mobile

i really need to learn km/h and l/km

plus it took me forever to figure out the trip computer in german

general rule I always used for km/h to mph is take kmh +20 / 2

i have a grease trap you can jack from… actually… one at the restaurant and one at a few commerical ones at the plant.

Badass :tup:

beautiful car :tup: to the pimp ass diesel

kulvasser or however they spell it. lol

i swapped out my speedo for mph. they’re interchangeable, as long as you use one from the same brand cluster. ie: motometer cluster, use motometer speedo. vdo cluster, use vdo speedo

liar! my touring has houndstooth recaro interior factory, and you were in it finding me an accessory power for my cd player!

That Discovery channel show, Shitty Jobs or something just did a piece on how to manufacture bio diesel from oil (and did a quick how-to make car bio diesel). Will your exaust smell like burritos?

EDIT: Dirty Jobs, Shitty Jobs, same thing:

That would be AMAZING!

<german accent>“Guten Tag officer - is there a problem???”</german>

More like french fries! If you are really pimp, you will install the “deep fryer basket” mod in your engine bay…

Xander would be your new best friend.

hahaha i just made an ass of myself in the library laughing!

zwy, i want you to know, for the record, that i despise you. hate. HATE HATE - i have wanted a grey market euro diesel bimmer for AGES (ever since my cousin got her TDI Jetta).

you’re car will smell delicious.

very nice :slight_smile: congrats on the new kaa

you’re = your ?


haha, whoops. i just love hitting that apostrophe key!

Your and You’re: learn the fucking difference

sigh. i’m not going to live this one down…

hotTtness :tup:

meh just sayin’

i do it sometimes too. hah

the bimmer is hot. :tup:

me too! i really want a 324td though, 5’s get like 30 city 36 highway