The New zwarbyt mobile

Picked up from trevor…

1995 BMW 525 TDS (diesel)

I am now in the process of converting it to run WVO (look for a DIY write up in the next month)

now onto the pics:

does that have cloth interior ???


Now what is WVO exactly?

:tup: x 1million.

i dig it.

cloth FTW … Now I’m in love with that car …

I have NEVER seen a Bimmer with that

tits :tup:

waste vegtable oil AKA used fryer grease

aka grease from a chinese joint

good luck with the conversion. :tup:

nice :tup: i’m interested in seeing how that conversion goes!

:tup to e34’s

Black on black too. Nice. :tup:

I always hear people call it bio-diesel. But hey, now I know the technical term. :tup:

Biodiesel = a process that removes sticky stuff from veggie oil so it will work like regular diesel fuel.
WVO = heating the oil in the vehicle so it isn’t so thick.

EDIT: ^^^yup

Biodiesel is grease that you treat with chemicals to convert to BIODIESEL

WVO cars run 2 fuel tanks, one diesel one just veggie oil, when the car is up to temp (veggie oil is up to temp also) you swith from diesel to grease, same thing when you shut it down

my friend has a car and a truck he has been running on wvo for over a year, he also has 2 250 gallon holding tanks, and a gas station pump sticking out of his house. Hes is letting me use his grease for free

once the kit is in I will buy biodiesel for the main tank (again from my friend) and grease in the rear tank for free

also worthy of note: no diesels were ever sold in the US, the car is imported from germany and may be one of (?) in the country

it still will never be as cool as a turbo minivan

But anyways… :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice buy, good luck with the conversions. I heard converting diesel to WVO is a bitch.


esterification --> transesterification —> methyl esters.

…if you’re good.

…if you like the probability of unreacted mono and diglycerides then transesterification alone is beautiful. :wink:

awesome. I’m very jealous. welcome to the straight-from-europe-with-no-sunroof carclub

pretty cool