/the news

i hate the news… fucking ridiculous.

i sit down for lunch to read the paper… i got this far and got sick of it

  1. man walking dog gets shot in lawrenceville - the just is that some kid (20) was with his girl and her ex-boy came up (23) and shot dude and his dog… hit them both in the feet / legs and ran away.

  2. north side man shot in rib cage - some kid (18) was standingon the street when 4 dudes tried to rob him… he turned and started running and was shot in the ribs

  3. three woman accosted in oakland - three pitt students (younger girls) were approached by some douche (18) and some ‘unknown’ man and were robbed… the cops found the one kid later jumping off the hillside onto bates street.

---- all three articles were on the same page and happened on the same day.


grandpa arrested for child porn - some sick FUCK took his granddaughter (2) and stripped her naked and took pictures of her then somehow these were ‘discovered electronically’ at a rite aid or some bullshit and the dude was tracked down…

buffalo NY - a man was mistakenly killed as he was moving inot his new house in NY… his name was nick (23) and was killed by some assholes because they thought he was another nick that ‘believed stole marijuana’ from them…

FUCK the news and fuck the fucking pieces of trash in this world. it’s no wonder i’m always all fired up… i swear that people that read the news religiously have to be more depressed or angry or something beacuse of it… all that it is, is total bullshit, or crimes…

fuck it!

/news rant.

Thats why I dont read the newspaper or watch tv.



then there is the story of the metally challenged husband who disappeared after him and his wife were driving through, of all places, homewood and their car broke down. She took a cab to the hospital where they were going to but he stayed with the car and now the car and him are missing.


Now thats fucked up

if you werent a bitch and were in Ocean City right now then you wouldnt have read any of that.

wonder what the deductable on a retard is. like if they can’t find him, you think they will total him?

i don’t think thats very funny at all. :madfawk:

yup,just like a ol*s! :smiley:

I think they found him but not sure…

exactly why Mr. 40 cal, and Mr 9mm chill with me. I’m not a big proponant of gun violence, just gots ta have the equilizer. Especially when I’m going to the bank with 2g’s in cash. :reloading

what bank do you go to, what route do you take, and what time of the day do you go?

the news is still absolute garbage and people are still trash

Hey sonny, Hate to break it too you. MAY is always SWEEPS month. Absolute garbage more then always.
Bad enough the news gets it CORRECT 60% of the time now glorifying crap in may non stop.

Local Speed traps in western pa ?!?! who the fuck airs this shit ?
Speed “traps” another thread :rofl: