The next trillion dollar bailout

Again you are falsely comparing what you do to what the gov’t is doing. And yes stimulus does include spending.

^Wow, you are actually pointing what I am doing but still managed to miss my point.
The government should not be in the business of creating jobs especially when it does thousands of things to prohibit jobs in this country.
And no stimulus does not NEED to include spending and even if it did Obama thinks stimulus=spending not just includes it.

This is pointless with you because you think the government is the answer and and I don’t.

Honestly, it is not going to help. Look at the great depression. Spending did not help at all, ever. They give tribute to WWII spending as getting us out but in all honesty why cant we just admit that the economy finished it’s reset mode, bottomed out and started back up again.

People are so obsessed with the idea that anything can be fixed with enough effort. In reality it should probably just run it’s course because it is fixing all the bullshit that government caused in the first place.

I can’t say it better myself. This is a normal economic adjustment. Fighting it will just make it worse. Let it run its course.

But we won’t. We will spend and spend, until we are still fucked, and now in debt to our ears.

Stimulus includes tax breaks and spending. Always has always will.

You can’t have a do nothing attitude when you are looking at 10%+ unemployment. This recession is unlike anything we have been through except the Great Depression.

This has been debated already in this thread, but the New Deal plan helped to give confidence in the capitalist system at a time when communism was becoming a severe domestic threat.

Don’t think for a second that there was no way a communist take over wasn’t possible in the 1930’s.

Edit: Shit 3 posts.

Yea Yea yea, I know all the obama talking points. God forbid we let something just work its self out. I remember as a little kid learning that the economy is a cyclic event. But no, we are sooo smart that we can change that. We can keep on paying 30,000 for a car, 200,000 for a house, and 150,000 for an education. Keep telling yourself that.

Talking points? Just let it ride out? This is not your typical recession. This is not do to your typical business cycle, that would be more like the 2000-2001 recession, this was do to a number of fucked up policies between the housing market and the banking/wall street system.

Come on you are looking at having close to 3,000,000 people unemployed. You don’t ride that out.

You cant do anything? Are you fucking kidding me? DO YOU LISTEN TO YOURSELF? You agree with me and then completely disagree in the same sentence.

If the market is correcting itself then YES we can sit by and watch 10% of the workforce go unemployed. Why? Because it is going to happen whether we try to stop it or not, so don’t dig ourselves into debt trying to solve something that technically really isn’t a problem for the economy, it is the damn solution. YES it is a problem for me and you but in the long run it will level itself back out and wash out all the shitty companies who are unproductive and frauds. PERIOD>

Yep, some people never change.

And that is a bad thing?

You must have one stable job to turn a blind eye on so many people. You think 15,000,000+ people are going to stand by and wait for this thing to fix itself? Would you just stand by? No, you would demand action.

What happens if in a year of doing nothing we see Great Depression level unemployment? You know 25% unemployment. That would be 45,000,000 unemployed people. What do you do then?

With all the evidence to the contrary why do you still think that this is just another basic recession?

Edit: My math was wrong, unemployment is much higher than 3,000,000 its going to be more like 15,000,000.

No, it wouldn’t be. The unemployment number isn’t just the number of people not working divided by the population of the country.

Umm… That’s what it means fyi. I mean seriously are you fucking retarded? A stimulus bill is a fucking spending bill, period.

We tried $1.7 TRILLION worth of tax cuts remember? Shit didn’t trickle down.



I swear you just make shit up.

Hahaha, I am not even going to argue with you anymore. Waste of time.

Edit: just to be clear, I mean because we have opposing opinions.

Are you serious? It’s a stimulus bill, any economist will tell you that when it comes to government stimulus = spending