The Nisky lot thread.

Might go with the 2012 evo after I get it Friday.

Whether it be the Nisky lot or somewhere else, we really gotta find another place to hang out. I miss the days of hanging out at the lot… not for the retarded stuff, but just to hang out with other car enthusiasts and shoot the shit. I don’t usually get a chance to make a lot of the shift meets so I don’t think I’d ever recognize half the people on here.
Somehow, there has to be a way to get a good location set up (for times between LG meets) where us mature folk can hang out without getting hassled.

My thoughts exactly.


It’s been years since I causally wanted to go for the lot for fun and see my friends.

Too bad this lot isn’t a bunch of jail bait from high school or I would be down…


Noted. I’ll make a day.

Nisky lot will not last, Police will break it up. I thought it was broken up like every weekend last year ?

For some reason people can’t nail down a decent spot to hang out at.

Yeah, if you think Colonie Police are “bad” then you’ll have tons of fun in Niskayuna.


I’d be down for the Nisky lot until it was broken up… maybe even us Shift guys could just stay together in one area (to help keep the idiots partially away… lol)

What about a 24 hour Walmart? If they are open then we are not loitering. Just park at the end of the lot…

Wait, what happen to Sbardys cones of love. Place had some parking, good eats. What was wrong with there?

Yes you certainly are loitering

i think if everyones gunna get together we should stay away from the nisky lot. you dont want the 5-0 thinking were the same group and start harassing us. i say get a spot before there kicked out

The cops have come there each time, said nice cars, please no burnouts and pick up any trash.

It’s an established spot with plenty of food and zero bigfoot, I’d say we’re good to go.

Well yes. But walmart wont call the cops as quickly as McDonalds. They openly allow RVs and truckers to camp out in their lots cause it promotes sales so why not us. I wouldn’y ming grabbing me some Wally World Fried Chicken!

what happened to the Lake George hangout?