The Nisky lot thread.


someone said you rolled through.

Seriously. Park and ride with 5 people is fucking gay. There may be a ton of idiots at this nisky lot but, its more people. More potential fun and theres actually fucking light so you dont feel like bigfoots going to roll out of the woods and eat your ass.

We walkee by right as you were discussing how good of friends you and cossey are.

dont bother saying hi or anything


What if I like the feeling that bigfoot might come out of the woods and eat me?

My only issue is distance. Im a lazy bastard. That is a good 25 min drive or so to the nisky lot

Park and ride and nisky lot are equal distances for me. Lake George is about an hour and a half. I have no problem driving to hang out with a car scene. The park and ride with 3 people and in the dark, not my idea of fun. Just because its 15 minutes vs. 35 monutes from someone and they dont want to drive the extra 20 mins, thats there own fault.

I don’t want to see complaints about driving distances lol.

x eleventy billion

Lol I just wanted to see if I’d ruffle any feathers. I’m used to driving a few thousand miles a week (well not with the new job), driving ain’t shit to me

I saw your request to join nisky lot. I remember you kicked me off SRS section so if you would like to join my page, I would like to be back in there.

I duno what happend, I clicked add and it must of hit ignore. Your in now!

I cant. My car will blow up if I drive that far.

BTW, I thought you wanted to keep our relationship behind closed doors? I see how it is now. You wanna get all public with it.

if I go down to the nisky lot, its going to be a full tilt night and I wanna line some shit up. There is alot of shit out there that ran their mouths after the king civic murders that I would like to mop up.

Race warz. Would def like to see some good races. I’m sure someone would ru their mouth after the fact. " well my car wasn’t there, I couldn’t hook, my cars not tuned, yada yada yada" its all the same, even if you go there and beat every car in thye lot, there’s always someone " ohh well I was pulling on him" or " he never beat me" you know how shit goes down after the fact

all of us guys go we will be fine and a have a great carfag time

Isn’t this “lot” just a bunch of kids still in high school? You guys will fit in just fine!

throw in a Puerto Rican or 12 and it will be just like the Kohl’s lot used to be.

If you do go, make sure somebody takes lots of photographs and attaches them to this particular thread for all to see

probably around 945 and i dont remember the cars.

indians this time .