The Nisky lot thread.

not talking about the truck’s issues, i mean the :skid :skid :skid :skid for the first 20 pages of comments.

I’m down.

i must see/ride in this sex mobile… hit me up if you still got my number

The Nisky Lot is good because it’s a fairly central location for many of us plus the food choices are abundant and you’re within a mile or two of 890, 90 and even 88.

I don’t plan on going there to make fun of or get into a pissing match with :skid or to get into trouble with the cops. In fact the more seperated we can stay from that crowd the better. If someone is called out then it will be settled with a close quarter knife fight with the two opponents tied together at the wrist just like in the “Beat It” video. A shirtless John would be the referee.

Seriously though I want to spend time with mature members from this forum and get to know everyone better without driving to Exit 21 to do it. All in all I think it’s a good spot for new members to come and say hi and a good spot to attract some new members as well.

You are correct Mr Jellies, but for the 2nd generation 93-97

Word in red incorrect

You are correct sir

This info brought to you by the last serious probe owner in the capital district haha

i had a good time cruising down in the car on Friday night , i think i was in a group of about 15 from Johnston . It was nice to have a good size hangout spot to go to .

Ford Probe FTW!

please do explain.

Check out the nisky lot page on facebook.

Were any vw guys there, i saw a few with some stretched tires and wonder if anyone from here was there.

Yikes, that page looks like a clusterfuck! I’ll have to stop being lazy and come out now that ive got something half decent

what time did u guys go down fridaynight? and who was it?

So there not a bunch of tools ?

By the looks of the facebook page it appears to be a lot of tools, but im willing to bet most of them just talk on facebook and actually do go out…or so i hope

Lots of tards at the nisky lot.

Stop denying my request to join hahaha

If everyone sees you wrenchin’ and hammerin’ you may get some love :hug

there’s a chance. but work goes so slow on it there’s nothing to update it with. i dont buy shit for it because noone makes anything for it. the biggest mod has been cutting the exhaust off of it. and not replacing it.

I’m not driving all the way the fuck out to the park and ride to sit in a dark parking lot with Smokinss. Make his lazy ass drive out here. Losers.