The Nisky lot thread.

brb poppin antilag for hours infront of mohawk commons

Just drove through a min ago blasting my new puerto rican cd.

this on repeat x1000


i feel like im in ansterdam

I’d be up for that. Start at like shop rite or something (might have to explain that we are being responsible adults to nisky PD though, since they are literally 100 yards down the road). Roll in driving like normal people, not doing anything more obnoxious than we normally would while commuting.

Trying to think of other available staging locations in the niskayuna area. Lower state street/proctors parking garage, upper deck? Its free after 5pm, and could also be a decent location for shift meetups if people do dumb shit and get us all kicked out of mohawk commons.

Are you fucking guys serious??? Are you really having a conversation about making a game plan on how you are going to meet up to go to a parking lot with a bunch of young kids?? Holy fuck! What happened to showing up and introducing yourself???

I started some controversy on the walmart thing. LOL

I’m interested in this new lot. I guess we will see how it turns out. Could always hang at Kmart at 155 and Central or elsewhere. Who knows

Not everyone is as personable as yourself Mr Gage.

I remember going to target one night with donnie cause he wanted to fight some kid :crackup

Sadly that’s a major problem with society these days. Kids don’t really interact in real life anymore, Because honestly they don’t really have to.

Multiple and Thanks for riding with me :slight_smile:

ahahahaha :rofl

Yeah me too… Donny is a crazed lunatic when you piss him off! I was on the receiving end of that one, but I’m sure I deserved it lolol :rofl

Benny and I will be flying into the lot in 3rd, crazy drift and smoke show. Tap a few cars then bounce.

^^ haha

Benny will spin out by the first turn.

Young, dumb… I’ve calmed WAY down. :slight_smile:

You and me both.

I wish it was as easy as it used to be to go down and chill with people in the scene, but it’s not the same on so many levels! I live right around the corner and goose the throttle of the shaggin’ wagon as I head to Bed Bath and Beyond :rofl… :cry:

if there are a lot of underage females there then…

        ............. I'm in!

16 will get ya 20!!!
