The not so subtle bragging thread

That might be what it read but when someone sees it in the paper people will say “hey honey do you remember that prick that told me to fuck off when I was trying to buy that car… he died”

pm’d ya to keep the thread on-topic…even though it probably wont stay that way

I have done and seen many things.


This thread needs a giant moon.

I am awesome!


I lived life like I wanted to and had a great time. Do not cry or be upset but instead eat some ice cream on me. Seriously I purchased a shit ton of this crap right before I died, now eat it before it melts or goes bad.

Adam W Beck - Passed away unexpectedly at 24 years of age. Devoted sister, beloved cunt.

It was supposed to say Aunt. It’s a typo.

I feel that at funerals people talk more about how you were and treated people vs what you actually did

James Fry was hung from a tall oak tree after he shanked a bitch on 3/11/2011 at RealtyUSA for refusing to give him the keys the morning of his move when they had an early occupancy agreement in place the night before, which resulted in him needlessly burning vacation days that would have been better spent at home with a new baby in May and turning away movers when they showed up in his driveway waklsajdf;ljkas;lkjsdahaahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

correction, you were HANGED from a tall oak tree.

Who was she Fry?

Did you get this for homework for Base school Newman? I know you have to do a bunch of writing before you start, letters to parents and or loved ones if you and the ground meet at an unexpected rate of speed ect.

Well I was hung while I was hanged so were both right.

:lol: Well played sir :tup:

James read another self dick stroking thread on NYspeed and hung himself next to Fry on the tall oak tree.

Kind of, yes.

People with nothing to list are angry. haha Reflection time is a mother fucker. Jussssssss sayin.

Probably because they were boring people who lived boring lives. Not saying I’m on the same level, but no one remembers George Washington because he was a nice guy.