Loved pancakes, hedgehogs, V8s and burnouts.
Loved pancakes, hedgehogs, V8s and burnouts.
nope, it’s because a major part of your legacy is your personal relationships with friends and families. That’s great if you experience awesome stuff in life, but if you treat people like shit and generally act like a scumbag along the way, nobody will care.
People remember your personality, how you treated them and how treated others probably more than anything.
The only thing I need mine to say: He was a good man and a good father. This world was a better place with him in it. He will be missed.
Anything else I could give a fuck less. I’m dead, what do I care?
Thread title change for too many words shifting concept. :picard:
Pretty much what I was thinking. It is funny to see what things people think are “important” for strangers to read in a news Anyone that knows you already knows these things and people that don’t know you really have no reason to care.
The purpose of the thread was to talk about what you’ve accomplished in life. I figured that the obituary thing would help people get it. I guess not. Retards.
I’m not angry, I love my life and I’m totally 100% happy with it. I just don’t need to brag on NYSpeed about it.
I like you guys, but…I mean c’mon, it’s lame.
I guess i havent accomplished anything note worthy.Just enjoy life and I think thats most important. I could care less what other people think in general but ill entertain it…
Im good at soccer and snowboarding.
Im almost a certified electrician at the age of 23.
I would be known as the kid that does crazy stupid shit for fun even if it means possible bodily harm.
I have lots of little projects under my belt from building cars to construction.
I’m just here for the hockey.
“A feature related to healthy narcissism is the feeling of greatness. This is often used to compensate for insecurity or inadequacy.”
Well I hope this thread helped you and your insecurity and inadequacy issues. lol
Ordinary fucking people.
I haven’t done anything, because im only 20.
But i have cool friends. So i guess that counts for something
There are some awesome lols in this thread.
I’m pretty sure I was the youngest person to race street stocks at ransomville speedway. (not in gokarts)
They never questioned my age, I was 13 when I climbed in the car and took it out on the track for the first time.
(the age at that time minimum was 14, I do believe its 16 now, so this feat is probabaly untouchable)
I built my first race car at 12 yrs old. started with a cage on a frame and went from there, 2 person team just my father and I.
I built several engines and circle track cars since then.
Won several 8 cylinder demolition derbys.
Survived some pretty hairy wrecks including flipping side over side at over 80mph. (on the track, never on the street)
In the process of building an amazing jeep, my floor build and the extent of the welding, fab, feats overcome has landed me with sponsors for products and supplys.
Won real burnout championships, none of that crappy 30 second stuff, when heaters were heaters, and you spun them off the wheels. combined time spinning the wheels at 7500rpm in second gear (th350) was well over 20 minutes, between the 2 rounds and resulted in shreading 4 tires
Getting my diploma, after dropping out when I was younger wasnt really a wow point, but its a good thing to do I suppose.
Dealt with a perminent life altering condition, which taught me even more patience, and to really stop and take a look at the world more often.
(I pay a doctor to jam a needle in my eye, what do you do with your fridays?)
I’ve helped alot of people in alot of different areas in thier life
If I died now, it would suck sure, I’m young still. But atleast it was spent at or around the tracks, building cars and engines, and doing what I love.
That’s GREAT. Except it was with your dad. I mean, that’s cool you were 12 but it’s not the same as if you did it yourself.
I mean, I can tell everyone that I driven 250,000 miles in a car before the time I was 13, but it was a two person team, just my father and I.
LOL…my wife just read through this thread as I was mixing a drink…
Her reply: “I’ve saved the lives of hundreds of children”
It’s all relative, y’all, and it’s all about what you hold important. If it’s important to DO stuff, excellent, DO stuff. Some folks will find that to be cool. Some folks will find that completely unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Same with building stuff. Same with inventing stuff. It’s all good. Mother Teresa and Ghandi would find all of Newman’s accomplishments silly, and there are quite a few folks in the world who looked up to them.
I did a ton of work on it, its not the same as sitting next to someone doing nothing. js
Newman’s Grandmother after reading his obituary: “He jumped out of an airplane HOW MANY TIMES??? He was lucky to last this long!!”
Same with other things. I know for sure that my parents don’t really “get” the concept of how it could be fun to build and race cars. My mom just thinks it’s dangerous.
I fly jets ll by myself, have flown helicopters in 2 war zones, i have a sick race car, own my own plane, and more toys than most anyone on the board.
I said most.
I disagree here. I typed up something, read it, and realized that it just sounded like bragging and that’s not me. I don’t need anyone to approve of my life to enjoy my life.
I agree.
I would be more impressed if in these descriptions it listed helping others or volunteering.