Thanks Don…and we could use a visit
i build some cool stuff, i do some cool things, i hate my job, but i love my daughter and she brings joy to my life everytime i look at her. I try to be the best dad/husband i could ever be and this is what i hope reads on my tomb stone some day.
If you have things to list then you wouldn’t fit the criteria of my post now would you? Thats right boieeeeeeee.
I must have read that incorrectly.
biggest accomp. would have to be beating brain cancer and retaining a positive attitude during and after
:tup: to your body and :tup: to your mind.
That’s an accomplishment.
Car related because I would never share personal shit with the world on a public forum and it still amazes me that so many people do:
- had an idea to start a local car forum with a dozen friends that eventually had 5000 + members
- individuals formed long time friendships, got laid, got jobs etc. because of said forum
- nyspeed would not be here if it wasn’t for said forum
- was one of the first ones in the area to seriously modify a Honda
- was a key player in turning driving a Honda in Buffalo from a laughing stock to a platform that even haters had to take seriously
- helped expland the mind of quite a few V8 owners on the subject of 4 cyl performance, lessons usually included showing them tail lights
Ah yes good times.
back on the beat making shaddy people quiver yet?
first off i’m just going to say i think this thread is just too funny, people needing to justify why they think they are awesome, for everyone else to come and praise you…
but anyway i’ll bite why not lol
if this isn’t a look at me thread, i dont know what is…
now for what i’ve accomplished, i’m only going to list one thing here
I taught myself how to walk, not like the rest of you learned how, I was never supposed to walk when i was younger, doctors said it would never happen
i call that an accomplishment
Of course it is a look at me thread, its the NOT SO SUBTLE BRAGGING THREAD! But thank you Skurge for enlightening all of us.
Nothing really notable…But after I’m dead it won’t matter. I don’t care what people think of me cause after I’m dead it won’t matter. I’m dead…who cares. If people don’t remember me or if they do…I’ll never know, cause I’m DEAD.
What the fuck did I just read?
I really don’t think there is anything wrong with sharing accomplishments that you are proud of. There is a HUGE difference between bragging and sharing. Be tasteful with your wording, and it shouldn’t be bragging.
i didn’t say there was something wrong with sharing accomplishments, i think that some of the things in here are not what i’d put on that list
i’m really not even going to get into it because its just laughable to me honestly
i personally feel accomplishments should be something that cannot be taken away from you
My achievements
---------- Post added at 01:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 PM ----------
Agreed. There is a difference between “hey check out what I did last week” and “your a fggt if you don’t do cool stuff”
strange, think thats been said a few times here recently