The not so subtle bragging thread

What have you accomplished? I’m a bit of a narcissist, fine I admit it. But I think everyone is, to an extent. I want to know WHY you’re awesome (or why you think you are).

Let’s say you died TODAY. What have you done with your life?

Buying shit doesn’t count. It doesn’t take any skill or determination to pay for something. If you want to brag about the MEANS that you were ABLE to buy something, that’s fine, I guess. However, I don’t want to be remembered by the things I owned.

Think about how you would want your obituary to read… I certainly don’t want mine to read: Christian Newman - Owned a ____ and ____ and was making payments on a ____. I want it to read Christian Newman - Built ____, did _____ and was the first person to ______.

I will try and keep it short and keep it to interesting things that Joe Public can’t do or hasn’t done. I’d also like to add that this in no way sums up my life. I’m sure I’ll add more later, but most of these things (with the exception of school, I did in the past 2 years or so)

*Graduated engineering school. I did this on my own. I paid for it myself, or with scholarships I was awarded. Contrary to popular belief my parents have never bought me anything.

*I have several patents in my name. I have consistently been 50% of a two man team that designs six figure machinery. Products I have designed have won industry awards.

*I built a car that was in a magazine, recognized internationally and was the first (that I know of) RB26 E30 in the world. I also built from scratch a pretty rad snowboarding/wakeboarding winch.

*I learned how to skydive.

*I can walk a 100 ft long slackline (tightrope), backwards.

*I can land a backflip on a snowboard.

Feel free to flame. I’m expecting it.

---------- Post added at 01:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:50 PM ----------

In response to skurge’s comment elsewhere:

I totally disagree with that statement. I think that WHAT you do DEFINES who you are. I don’t think that some nice guy who was polite to everyone and went to work for 50 years then died without ever making a stir lived at all.

You forgot that you formed the big cat club.

This space is reserved now so that I can take a stab at this later.

reserved for later


Have run a few half marathons. Technology comes easy to me, and I know way more about cellular technology than most people care to even think about.
I hacked my high school computer network for shits and giggles back in 99/00. Consulted while there to design the new computer lab.

Excels in sales, management, and marketing. Some examples:

  • Managed an entire B2B activations channel for VZW @ Ingram Micro
  • Grew the program 50% YoY in activations
  • Launched a nationwide activations program with Sony, Lenovo, Panasonic, and HP
  • Consulted and helped launch an international activations program with Rogers CA
  • Head-hunted to come back to the retail side of VZW to manage a struggling store
  • In 7 months grew said store 50% YoY overall in PROFIT, now a $1MM/yr store

In terms of personal:

  • I consider myself fairly well traveled, including international trips, however I’m always looking to see more and experience more cultures
  • I have grown up with exchange students from all over the world and now have what I consider family all over the world.
  • I’m part of a successful HipHop talk show
  • I can play drums, piano, and violin.

I have many, many more experiences that, while I try to distance myself from that past life, have made me what I am today. I have friends all over the country in all sorts of positions in life and business.

When I do things I like to set extreme goals and not let up until I have accomplished something great. Here are a few examples.
• Turbo LS3 FD build with ungodly amounts of custom work.
• Trained for and ran a marathon. MANY ½ marathons. Have asthma and still trained to run ~6min mile.
• Joined the Army and excelled at everything associated with it.
• Made SGT in two years(those of you not familiar with Army this is quite hard)
• Graduating Magna Cum Laude

Hmm… not an easy challenge…

I’ve risen out of being “dumped on the side of the road” when I was 4 with my mother with 2 suitcases and $52 in cash to putting myself through a private college and easily graduating with an engineering degree, becoming the first person in my family to graduate college.

I can look at almost anything and within 10 minutes tell you how it was made, how it works, and how to make it better.

I can build amazing furniture out of wood; was taught by my grandfather long ago.

I have 2 patents pending in my name (and will be getting a boat-load more once I move)

There’s soo much more, but I don’t have the ego to boast… I’m too humble in my life to just brag in an obit thread. Those people who really know me, know what kind of person I am.

first to turbo a automatic SHO
first to run 12’s in a automatic SHO
held the fastest 1/4 mile record for 3 years for All SHO’s
Winner of the most hate gathered in one build thread award on NYspeed
First to mate SHO engine to TH400 transmission
Only person to attempt to install SHO engine in a camaro in hopes that it will be fast.

Don’t really have any personal achievements to speak of. I have a steady decent paying job, a comfortable place to live, and food anytime I want it. can’t really think of much else I need.

  • B.S. Computer Science Degree
  • Working at a top 10 Hospital in the Nation
  • Working on a game changing project that truly improves the quality of healthcare
  • Getting married this year
  • Have learned how to, and completed several major home renovations
  • Visited many of the places I have been really wanting to see, and have more trips planned

lots of small goals that I have reached for and achieved, but probably don’t fit in context. In the end though, I don’t care what any of the above reads. The only reason that I’ve done any of it is because it interests me. It could read anything, and as long as it was something that I felt stronly about, I would be proud of it.

“It’s all success if it’s what you mean” - angels and airwaves


winner: hottest wife award
winner: cutest kids award
winner: i know newman and he likes me

This thread is going to sprial out of control into a real shit storm…

I’ve had some awesome experiences and done some awesome things, but my life is far from over. What I might think is awesome now might pale in comparison to something I’ll do in the future. “This spot reserved” indeed.

:slight_smile: :smiley:

it’s definitely going to spiral

Thread title should be: “Write the obituary for the person who posted above you.”

^ He was 70% legs

Take note Karter, this is how you make an epic thread.

^ He like to meat for lunch.

Fuck, edit, to Geoff.

He loved 90’s imports, and really loved mid-engines cars

My obit-

FINALLY, the fucking prick died

More details on healthcare project? I’m going to school for healthcare administration, I’d love to hear more. If it’s something you can talk about of course. Maybe PM or email?

Mother fucker, I’m awesome.

Srsly though, this thread is lame. Let’s compare penis size instead.