The NYSpeed / Onyx Syndicate Video Catalogue!

Just got to properly watch this.

Once again, you do not fail to impress. My favorite shot is the white Z drifting in the rain.

Just curious though, why did you choose to not use any helicopter shots for this? (or was that TMP im thinking of?)

Edit: Im in love with “Invaders Must Die” now too btw lol. I have to admit, Onyx’s shitty Dunnville Lady edition is an amazing added touch lol.

Yeah that was TMP. You can watch the chopper-chase shots on my Vimeo channel too - Volume 2 Interlude 1 - TMP & Helicopter Chase Footage on Vimeo

Thanks man :tup:

Yoda, hows the mods coming along

No mods have been done yet, and I frankly just have not be interested in doing anything to the car yet. Money is being better spent elsewhere.

There were a bunch of NYSpeed people there so I figured I’d post it here too. :tup:

Click HERE
* For slower computers / connections, toggle ‘HD Off’ to eliminate video choppiness.

All clips are form the 2008 Niagara Meet - the largest one yet. Enjoy!

nice work josh! :tup:

i like bing’s sexy shorts

Someone’s ambitious this week HaHa. Any vid that open with bing is bound to be good :tup:

Great video. I enjoyed the opening statements.

Another nice video.

I love Bings “Just 100+ cars being polite and courteous on the streets of Niagara,” in relation to the first driving shot used lol. I guess its not racing though lol.

Nice josh!

Epic. Im def coming up to shoot teh event this year.

ERROR 404 - Sideways nissans not found

bing has great legs

LOL at officer Farva at 2:43 lol YUMMY ICE CREAM!

nice work again josh :tup: your getting really good at this haha

Note: the quality still looks great in “HD off”

nice vid! when does this said meet…meet?

Sunday, June 14th this year :tup:

We usually head up with a bunch of NYSpeed people.

:tup: :tup: on the shooting and editing