The Obama Deception

Oh, I was just trying to say this thread is very sensitive, and we should be careful what we say as to not look racist and to minimize the offense that people might take. It was mostly targetted at Ahmed so he didn’t give the mods proper grounds to ban him…again.

Also, I was saying that it is difficult to convince a person with so much pride (e.g. african americans and their truly believed achievement in the political sense: Obama) that they could be wrong about the election process and democracy being evident as we are taught it works.

It’s like trying to convince a chevy V8 guy that a KA-T can rape his ass lol. They might get very offended, regardless of whether its true. I’m not singling Junior out here with the Obama thing, its just the main topic of this thread lol. He has his own right to an opinion and I respect very much that he HAS an opinion that he formed with his own thinking rather than copy what other people have said. Also that he’s willing to stand up for what he believes in.

I just used several analogies to get my point across. Once again, I’m not trying to offend anyone, just trying to have a nice intellectual discussion/debate here on SON.

I hope this thread doesn’t get locked, and to see more opinions from different people, so I can better understand how everyone feels about the current political situation.