The Obama Deception

Read the Project For The New American century and what they planned to do. Look at the “misfortunate events” that caused them to do what they had originally planned.

Problem, reaction, solution. It seems logical to conclude the events are planned or engineered, or at least trying to find evidence to support this. These events are “catalysts” to introduce the originally planned agenda.

I realize this is speaking very generally, but I did so on purpose because it is such a universal concept in manipulating the population throughout known history.

^ +1

for your information, the Holocaust happened, many innocent Jews died…Hitler was influenced and taken in by the devil(if you believe in god and the many things that revolve around evil, demons, etc.). In all, forgiveness is given for all those that persecuted the Jews in those dark times…

the grand plan that most of you don’t know is the second coming, all this stuff was meant to happen.

end of story.

Where did I say that both are wrong? I said that if you’re saying be open minded and don’t believe everything you hear etc etc etc, then be open minded. Thinking outside the box and then just believing that what is outside the box is open-mindedness, is not being open-minded. I’m not a skeptic at all. I take points from both sides of “the fence” and use logic and/or critical thinking (as AhmedG has mentioned) to determine what I really think about it. However, when I come to that conclusion, I still do not condescend others based on my final thought. What they think is still their right, and I have no place to tell them they’re silly, stupid, dumb, or any other use of an “innocent insult” to put them down.

On the Obama thing: I don’t care how the hell he got in office. If he does even the SLIGHTEST right thing to show that he’s not just fucking around; he’s better than Bush. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

You will never have a leader that is perfect. Greed and power corrupts us all. It’s a dismal outlook and I hate it, but it’s reality. For now.

I think you missed his point red line. His point was, it’s impossible to convince people otherwise because they have such hardcore beliefs (as an analogy).

Likewise the whole 911 story has been spoonfed through the media from the get go. The most media coverage than any other story in history. How can you argue with that? Especially with someone who doesn’t pay attention to detail but only the big headlines that stick.

On the Obama thing: I don’t care how the hell he got in office. If he does even the SLIGHTEST right thing to show that he’s not just fucking around; he’s better than Bush. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

You will never have a leader that is perfect. Greed and power corrupts us all. It’s a dismal outlook and I hate it, but it’s reality. For now.

The argument is that he is not a ‘leader’ to begin with. The argument is, that you are misled and deceived by the act of the whole thing and him as a character. Not you specifically but in general. That’s what’s being really argued by people as it has been for past ‘presidents’ and governments of the US. People are arguing good vs bad, or better or worse, vs what, who, where, when, how… if that makes sense in simple terms. As long as you keep believing “if he does even one good thing” you’ve fallen for the trap.

I ain’t arguing with anything roger, I just wanted to know what his point was bringing up the holocaust.

…convince otherwise? hardcore beliefs? lol

Oh, I was just trying to say this thread is very sensitive, and we should be careful what we say as to not look racist and to minimize the offense that people might take. It was mostly targetted at Ahmed so he didn’t give the mods proper grounds to ban him…again.

Also, I was saying that it is difficult to convince a person with so much pride (e.g. african americans and their truly believed achievement in the political sense: Obama) that they could be wrong about the election process and democracy being evident as we are taught it works.

It’s like trying to convince a chevy V8 guy that a KA-T can rape his ass lol. They might get very offended, regardless of whether its true. I’m not singling Junior out here with the Obama thing, its just the main topic of this thread lol. He has his own right to an opinion and I respect very much that he HAS an opinion that he formed with his own thinking rather than copy what other people have said. Also that he’s willing to stand up for what he believes in.

I just used several analogies to get my point across. Once again, I’m not trying to offend anyone, just trying to have a nice intellectual discussion/debate here on SON.

I hope this thread doesn’t get locked, and to see more opinions from different people, so I can better understand how everyone feels about the current political situation.

^ still didn’t answer the question about bringing up the holocaust…lol.

anyways, politically there’s lots of underground things going on in society that we don’t see. Much like a few guys here on this thread, I’ve also spent some good hours looking over these conspiracy theories and what not.

it’s true when most society is becoming brainwashed by media, after all it’s powerful and it’s everywhere around us ever since we’re born.

I explained it and so did he. It was an analogy about people being inbred with a belief they can never question or change, just an analogy. Nothing else. He gave other examples afterwards.

obviously, it happened.

& all those that try to test it are just ignorant or arrogant or something else.

There is nothing to question or change.

GUY, you’re on a different page. He was giving an analogy, that its stupid to try to prove to people something that is blinding their eyesight on an issue that it’s impossible to prove hence “it’s like trying to prove to someone jewish that holocaust never happened”.

Oh, I see, you were specifically mentioning the holocaust? The Zionists had a lot to do with the misinformation regarding the holocaust. If the correct information (e.g. casualty rates, events leading up to the “final solution”, Hitler’s agenda, the manipulation of the german public, WWII Nazi funding by the U.S. and Zionists, the plan for the Israeli state, other propaganda etc…) was to be presented to people who were affected by the holocaust, they would refuse to accept it and be very offended.

They are human, they were emotionally and physically scarred, and their families were murdered, they cannot be blamed for such a response. This sensitivity was why I made the analogy, along with several others… I’m not an anti-semite or holocaust denier by ANY means, not even going there. I did some research on the holocaust outside of what we learned in school. Ironically, the word Zionist wasn’t mentioned once in class. lol Most of my jewish friends are anti-zionist, if that helps put it into perspective. :slight_smile:

I hope that answers your question. When someone truly believes in something, it is difficult for them to accept the possibility that they can be misinformed.

It’s human nature. That’s all I was trying to get at, and to help Ahmed not get banned. lol Let’s change the topic back to Obama, this is getting out of hand unnecessarily.

moved to members… this is not a car chat.


Bing, I wanna hear your take on this. I remember reading some stuff you wrote back in the day, and I felt it made a lot of sense. More interested in the financial/economy side of things, I don’t nearly care enough about 911 and terrorists to discuss it.

I agree wtf man I dont even have 1000 posts and i tend to post alot …

i love sluts

" shrugs"

i think he would stop posting if nobody repies to his shit


hes not a president he’s a celebrity