The Official Callout/Kill Thread

im going to be racing a gsr swapped em1 si shortly… what are we thinkin out come wise 20-100~

i’m ~150whp 290tq

I think the outcome will be that it will be a lame slow race to watch

Like watching grass grow, paint dry, grand prix’s race etc

Girls color/car.

precisely, but the civic will win by 20 cars

i saw a sample of that paint when i was pickin up ford parts the other day , i like it a lot

I like the color on the mustang

It looks like the color of a female co-worker’s tC

That color would look sick with some gold mesh wheels

dont think you could go wrong with white or the maroon, both colors are sweet imo

The car is amazing; the color from that picture looks ghey.

I’m painting a hardtop for my miata that color. Once I find one.

Vlad? K.

I dunno if its anyone on here but i was up in CP last night dropping off my Accord and some clowns in a (fwd) Impala SS decided they wanted a piece of tinyturbz. It was a shitty silver / grey one with gay ass fart cans. Anyway they got eaten up by tinyturbz. Then they got PISSED. :rofl:rofl:rofl

and adam i love that color bro.


yea buddy!!!



Color is siiiiick!



I want to race anyone and everything!

thats all.