The Official Callout/Kill Thread

i dont believe Austin is on the site from what he told. i believe ur mistaken him.

Hey, this isnt about you anymore! :rofl

freakjohnls7, i will need a certain neons slicks for 11s. since i wont buy wheels/slicks for 1 event.

Im going by this:

2 shotguns :Idiots pussy i got 5 along wit about 8 other rifles :lol

just dont tell my p.o she will have a field day


could be mistaken but mk 34t2346754R keeps calling him john.

and i swear Austin said he’s not on this site. but i could be wrong. i am FUCKING MORON in all ya know…

I could be wrong too but I just saw that in the WOT thread




I haz rocket launcher

Wha…wtf…where did you get that from. Put that down! Drop it, drop, dro, DROP IT!!



chinatown alley deals ftw

Doooo et!

Paul, wtf is up with your sig man?

what do you mean?


i fixed it for ya hot lips…:lol

Your life story in it? :lol

"The Mustang should be done and smoking a certain marroon Camaro very soon. The truck is not for racing.

Yes I am an asshole. Deal with it. "