The Official Callout/Kill Thread

who was at my shop that night ???

i said most fucker not all ,besides mines still young .it can happen:ninja


“Shift518-the gayest non-automotive, automotive website on the net”

yall need to relax, john(freak) needs to not post while drinking. pjb. i dont like you here or in person, so dont use that against me. chris07. ill never make you another drink, i didnt realize you were young… and my car does suck, but 11s or bust… i mean 14s.

He was ‘your man’ that night at the lot you were whispering sweet nothings in his ear at the lot and you took him behind the old Starbucks.

Cletus. You dont know him?

mines bigger than your!


Wait I thought that was Roofus?

shut up fucker ,i know :lol

You doofus

austin ? i know you i helped ya a little bit on a sticker problem lololol

well for some reason you always tend to be around me at the lot and conversate with me

Thats it me and adam to a foot race tomorrow

even healthy adam wont win that one :rofl

brett mk4 30r needs to not post others names when he complains bout others posting his name… others can do as they please! oh and mk4 30r i’d love to see your car runs 11/14’s it would be sweet!

he’ll trip you with his crutch and win

I’ll make my own damn drink then.

This is bull SHIT!:Idiots

Yeah wtf. Well then after that we have a fight to the death, and I get 2 shotguns, and you have nothing :lol

no youre just around the people i talk to.