The Official Callout/Kill Thread

tell that srt4 to come round here. we have a few cars that would “give hum a run”

He has a username on here but he refuses to post.

I passed him at like 115 and he let off. We started at 60

Is that the neon I pulled on?

That’s what nick was saying but the tool bag doesn’t post he video that shows me walking him. As Richie will attest this idiot kept honking he horn and taking off when I was in 5th. I can’t wait to see this clown shoe again face to face as it won’t end well for him

Yeah nolan.

I raced him last summer lol

Jiggs told me today there’s a new lot by the airport lol where true street hangs out

This kids been cruising every night looking for people to run. I dont know where his apparent new found power came from but i havent stopped hearing about it on facebook and how billy bad ass is going out every night looking for runs.

His car sucks. He jumps the gun and lets off at 110. Cant wait to call this faggot out in real life



Shift 518 ricers showed up tonight and cleaned house.

yupppp all of us 518’ers = RICERS…:crackup

what are you guys talking about?


Civic vs cobra.

Who are these people?

A bigger bunch of losers then us


They hate shift518 and they started their own spot. We just invaded and troll their facebook haha.