The Official Callout/Kill Thread


I want to be the first F-body to murder it.

John can be the 2nd.


wait your turn …adam and i have been dyin to race each other for yrs lolol

fine :frowning:

besides if i lose , your losin for sure so why bother lolol

o really? lol

me on a 100 shot > YOU lolol

Nah, its alot slower than that!

shut up ass lol

cant say that until its been proven…

mmm hmmm

the fitty held me close … the 100 is far better …ask plaf

no doubt in my mind…but 200psi more bottle pressure also makes a big difference. I need to fix that shit ADAM. Weak ass bottle heater. I could piss on the bottle and heat it up better.

Seriously, idk why people think Im buyin some crazy quick car, its all stock!!

?? That thing gets hot as hell man!

a stock car that is quick.

that will still get gang raped by f-bodys!

no ,no it dont

stock to stock ehhhhh could be a problem

no it doesnt lol. Ask john. I had the shit on for over 2 hours friday night and it was “warm”. Bottle pressure on a FULL bottle didnt go over 875.

Id sure hope so! If not, you need to set the catfish free!

who u talkin to you non-quoting mofo? :lol