The Official Friday Night Highbridge Meet/Meat Thread

890 tonight.

TIT DIRT what time are you cholos heading to this joint?

Yeah that’s def ok to do, just don’t be ripping around and it will be fine. Don’t wanna draw attention to the place when it’s been a good chill spot for 2 weekends so far.

no shenanigans out of me…i dont wanna ruin this spot…or your business

I’ll ruin it fo sho

the people of shift will give me a real life neg rep and beat my ass

yep true story. banstick

Ill be out in a bit. Only one or two people there when I walked my dog near there a 1/2 hour ago

When are you gonna pick me up paul?

Im going to get intoxicated. No standing round fir dis guy

stalls is gonna carb it up with sully pants

luhh dem carbs

yeah, about that…

Seriously its half a minute up the street so Im not going to Troylet/ghetto Albany/wherever the fuck you live to get you.


yeah, whatever. I used over 1/4 tank of gas the last time I went there and back.

all those bumps in your f/s thread and you cant even treat him to some ice cream? what a shitty friend paul

agreed :’(

it still didnt sell. No sale = no commission. Ryan didnt your father teach you that? Im sure he doesnt get commision if he doesnt sell a car.

mah ni99a
