The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

To reply to your first post… Supporting local businesses and gun shops is great and something I try to do when buying guns, but certain guns that are in high demand (and I really don’t know why) such as the Kel-Tec Sub2K seem to be priced well over 50% what a place like Bud’s sells for. Some other stuff most LGS’s can compete against easily, but for some reason I’ve always seen the Kel-Tecs selling for $400+ locally. Not just at one place either, but at T&V, B&J, Oakwood, Zacks, etc… they all seem to be at or above $400. Just something about them I guess. I’d try to buy used on them.

But as for pre-ban mags. I am almost the same way. Whenever anyone has a trade offer for something I’m selling, I always ask if they have pre-ban AR mags and what not. I’d like to get some high quality pre-ban 30rd AK mags, as my Chinese ones seem to just be “off” a little. They feed properly and everything but the follower seems to be sloppy. My Chinese pre-ban 75rd AK drum feeds awesomely though. Damn was that expensive…

Also, purchased a ton of parts for my pre-ban AR build. Should be pretty sweet.