The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

Anyone have a Kel-tec Sub2k in .40 they are looking to part with? Have browsed a few local shops with no success as of yet.

That’s a no then??

Your best bet would prolly be getting one from Buds Gun Shop online and having it shipped to a dealer here. Most dealers charge retail on them ($400), Buds sells for like, $250. Then you just pay or shopping and $50 FFL fees an you’ll still save money. I’d recommend a 9mm over the .40 as some can take Glock pre-ban mags so you’re not lited to 10rds. And if you’re using for personal defense, a 9mm HP will do similar damage to the .40 HP with less recoil.

Oh no shit…that is alot cheaper. I’m sure I’ve overpaid for all my guns lol. Also didnt know the 9mm would do similar damage. Could have sworn the .40’s came with larger mags, but I could be mistaken. Thanks dude!

I love my 9mm kel tec , had the .40 as well . The 9 is cheaper to shoot and so on .

they do but you can’t legally own the new hi-cap mags in NYS. The old preban 9mm mags though you can.

Good to know!! What mags would you suggest?

Get any of the Kel-Tec 9mm that use Glock mags, not the S&W mags. Some pre-ban glock mags can do 30rds, but most tend to be 13-17rds as far as I know.

yeah, for the G18 auto :rofl

some of the .40s also take pre ban glock mags. im also looking for one that takes glock mags because i have pre ban stick mags.

call guns inc on 20 across the river and ask for tony. i think they have one in stock. dont remember price or if it was a 9 or 40. but pretty sure it takes glock mags.

as far as buds and having it shipped and transfered, yes you can save some $. but you have to understand, one buds buys guns in thousands, not 5 or 10 at a time. so they get a much better price. also, buds doesnt have a store front or property tax’s like the local gun shops do. i usually dont have them transferred unless its something they cant get me. id rather spend my $(even if its a bit more than online) loyaly and get good deals and good service from being a repeat customer.

cossey is right, i have a handful of the pre ban 30ish round glock mags. im pretty sure i have some for 40, but they might all be 9mm.

pre ban mags are like crack for me. ill buy mags before i even own the gun then buy the gun just because they made pre ban mags for them lol.

To reply to your first post… Supporting local businesses and gun shops is great and something I try to do when buying guns, but certain guns that are in high demand (and I really don’t know why) such as the Kel-Tec Sub2K seem to be priced well over 50% what a place like Bud’s sells for. Some other stuff most LGS’s can compete against easily, but for some reason I’ve always seen the Kel-Tecs selling for $400+ locally. Not just at one place either, but at T&V, B&J, Oakwood, Zacks, etc… they all seem to be at or above $400. Just something about them I guess. I’d try to buy used on them.

But as for pre-ban mags. I am almost the same way. Whenever anyone has a trade offer for something I’m selling, I always ask if they have pre-ban AR mags and what not. I’d like to get some high quality pre-ban 30rd AK mags, as my Chinese ones seem to just be “off” a little. They feed properly and everything but the follower seems to be sloppy. My Chinese pre-ban 75rd AK drum feeds awesomely though. Damn was that expensive…

Also, purchased a ton of parts for my pre-ban AR build. Should be pretty sweet.

What’s the Lgs cossey?

local gun stores

Does anyone here have a short action Remington 700 that I can borrow for some CAD purposes? I would need to remove teh stock and take some measurements of the complete action an ejection port. Likely only take a few days at most.

Short action being calibers such as 22-250, .243, .260, .308. I’d prefer the .308.

This is for a very unique project I’m working on for myself, and possible public sale as a kit :ninja

Jon has one. I’m pretty sure .30-06 is considered short action.

Ahh lol. Noobsauce in the house

Nope, I have his here. 30-06 is not short action. The 308 case is the largest of the short actions.

I can use the long action for this work, but the short action 308 is actuall what I’m basing it on, so I would like to go off that. If I could get my hands on one of the new VTR barrels/actions that would be the best :excited

I don’t really want to talk too mucvh about what I’m doing because I don’t want anyone else catching drift of it yet, but will be bad fucking ass when done.

Two other things I need for another project are a damaged AR lower(for me to drill and cutup for test purposes) and a stock AR triger(just the trigger, don’t need the whole firing group)

Can you make my shotgun full auto? :rofl


can you make my muzzle loader full auto? please? ill pay you hundreds.

(obviously kidding)