The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

It’s not called “given happiness” it’s called “the pursuit of happiness”

If I was a Mormon here as opposed to Colorado? I’d be pissed as hell.

If hated Mexicans I sure as hell wouldn’t live in New Mexico.

If you hate the cold = move from NY.

Hate people and tall buildings? Don’t fucking live in New York City.

it’s never your choice where you are born, but it’s your choice to move to find the happiness you deserve.

It’s a beautiful country with many very different states and attitudes. Just cause this state doesn’t serve yours, I’m sure there are plenty of others that will fulfill your demands.

Do I agree with the direction Cuomo is going on guns and how it affects my ownership? Hell no.

Do I care enough about that to lose my friends, lose the state I like and lose my job I love? No… live goes on. I find more happiness in things other than guns.

Edit: Not like NY even makes it hard for you to make a decision to move. High taxes, cold winters, New York City, bad leadership, high cost of living etc. I know people who moved to other states and never looked back.