The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

Come work in my agency and see if you think the same thing!

You should see the “clustering” initiative he has doing… conveniently aimed to complete 2-3 years, same time his term is up for re-election. No other state in the country as large as we are has ever pulled this off. EVERY IT agency across the state will be herded into one agency NYS ITS. Which means for example the departments for IT crap at DOT, pack up and leave their roles and come to ITS, and the applications and what not DOT IT has is now under one roof. We just sat in an all hand meeting for our department on this… everyone in the room big wigs and all, said this is by far way too much to bite off in 2-3 years, and said its such a far fetched messy plan it will be one problem after another. Jobs will be lost, people will be forced to relocate, etc.

Its like taking all the jails and inmates across the state and putting them into one giant ass jail downtown. Where are the old buildings going, all the workers, all the money brought in and out from that community, etc. Massive repercussions… WHY even bother, its been working for ever like it is now, it is still working, so why fuck with it??? BECASUE GOLD STAR FOR RE-ELECTION!

And management even says it wont 100% ever be done, he will just pick a point where it looks convenient to say it was completed and pat himself on the back.

Thats just one example. 90% of the state employees hate the guy and the actions he takes… because we see the stuff private sector never does. Which sucks, because the majority of the voters are in the dark to what really happens.