The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

Oh I know. This whole debate has gone off the fucking deep end. The word “tyrant” and “government” seem to be in every other post on FB. A happy medium doesn’t seem to exist anymore, its hard left with ban all guns to borderline cult doomsday preppers ready to wage war. It’s good people are voicing opinions and getting loud but its not really aimed in the right direction.

Some dude got upset because i said people were going over the top by saying they hoped feisntein would die

It’s gotten too extreme on both ends, neither side feels that the other will compromise, both want all or nothing. What annoys me personally are the people riding an emotional wave, who are scared of firearms, and project that fear like a lighthouse. Nobody should have guns because they are scared of an inanimate object.

Good posts and both 100% correct. A major issue is that most of these people don’t know how to properly voice themselves. On either side, 90% of the people go off the deep end. The ones that really have a level head about it are the people like us, on proper gun forums and contributing to the matters through local organizations(IE NOT NRA)

I REALLY believe that this whole ordeal needs a face behind the cause, similar in a sense to ML King on black rights or whatever, but one that focuses for everyone and NOT just pro or anti gun. Someone who has a good standing in the firearm community, knows the laws/regulations, knows firearms very well, and can explain/debate/discuss in a level headed manner across the internet.

Unfortunately the EASY way out for the Obama administration is to put bans into effect. Sucks but that’s the damn truth. it’s not so easy to put logic into the mix and sit down with people to explain everything in terms that make sense to those who just don’t get it.

I’d love to be that voice, but I already work 100+ hours a week :cry:

And that’s exactly the type of person we DON’T want representing us on this issue…does us no good at all.

On a more personal level, pertaining directly to 518 population, it sounds like Cuomo (see my link a few posts above) will be taking the guns from NY residents whether there is a federal ban or not. I don’t believe in conspiracies, but some people in the government are so determined to disarm the population that I am really beginning to wonder.

He cannot legally take them away without giving us something for them, and the state cannot afford to give us that something.

Confiscation is the least of my worries as its the least viable solution for either party (pro and anti gun).

He can try to impose a registration and ownership tax, which will achieve the same thing without them having to pay the gun owners. Incidentally Feinstein’s proposal making every current semi-auto an NFA item would do the same. Couple that with the “no transfer or sale” clause they threw in, and it’s a 1 one-generation phase-out and ban.

Key word…try.

The fact that they managed that and more in NYC does not exactly fill me with confidence that they won’t succeed.

Or not try at all, yet:

Cuomo Cracks Door Open On Pre-State Of State Gun Control
JAN 2ND - 3:29 PM
Posted by Nick Reisman in Andrew Cuomo 0 Comments
Between the lines at Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s cabinet meeting was an implied hint that he wasn’t ruling out a special session before the State of the State on Jan. 9 to tighten the state’s gun conrol laws.

Cuomo pushed lawmakers to come back last week for a special session to address the issue, but many legislators were out of town for the Christmas holiday.

Passing gun control legislation now would make New York the first state in the country to approve any measures since the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut and after the shooting of firefighters in Webster, outside of Rochester.

Cuomo told reporters at the meeting that no deal on gun control legislation — which could include an updated ban on assault weapons — and that there were no plans to bring lawmakers back to Albany. For now.

“I bring them back when we have an agreement,” Cuomo said. ”We don’t have an agreement.”

The governor was asked about the timing of his gun control measures and when they would be introduced. Cuomo has a knack for introducing legislation when it’s assured the measure will actually pass both chambers of the Legislature. Once a deal is in place, Cuomo doesn’t like to dawdle and allow an agreement to fall apart over night.

“We now have the State of the State in a number of days,” Cuomo said. ”So to bring them back — they’re going to be here in a few days anyway. That would all have to weighed, but we don’t have an agreement so I don’t have any plan to bring them back.

If Cuomo wants to be the first state to pass a meaningful gun control measure, the period of time before the State of the State may be his best shot. Albany is usually dominated by budget discussions at the end of March and the more contentious legislation gets done the final week of the legislative session in June (last year’s Big Ugly in March was an exception, but that had to do with the timing of a judge’s ruling on redistricting).

Regardless of when the legislation will come out, Cuomo indicated today that he doesn’t expect a gun control measure to include microstamping and he would not take a position on whether the Empire State Plaza should hold a gun show later this year.

I still think the NRA is a waste if money to “join”. Seems like a bunch of guys in suits who have never fired a gun before collecting money.

The NRA does do good. I do hate a lot of shit they do, like ask for money every day, and send you “made in China” products while standing up for American values and have such a “made in USA” attitude, but they are the most powerful organization that help out the country as a whole. They do not really help out NY at all, but NYSRPA does.

Agreed, an organization still worth being a part of. Just one I don’t agree on everything they do/say.

If they spent less money sending out so much shit that people don’t want, they’d be able to put more money towards actually preserving the 2A and lobbying.

Found this in stock, I know it’s stripped down, but wil it work?
All I wanted was to make sure it had forward assist and top rails. Beyond this,all I need is random/simple parts kit,correct?

Yea, to complete the upper itself, you’d just need forward assist assembly and dust cover assembly, which I happen to have an extra of each.

To fully complete the upper, you’ll need:
gas block
gas tube
gas tube roll pin
muzzle brake or thread protector to pin on the threads of the barrel if it’s threaded
barrel nut
handguard set

Well, whoever’s building an AR might wanna hold off to see what happens, as if this passes ALL ARs, mags over 10rds, and other semi-autos with a pistol grip will be illegal. Preban status will no longer matter, as it will ALL be illegal. Write your representatives and senators right now. If you don’t do anything, then you have no right to complain about shit being illegal.

I dont think this will pass. if i am reading it right shotguns will also be illegal because you have to hold it with “non trigger hand”

illegal to own 10 or more guns? ridiculous