The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

Do you want a 6.8? That’s a different caliber if you didn’t know already…

Balls, no shit it was the only one not out of stock, :Idiots

no, want to keep it 5.56. Any suggestions for an upper?

They have two different 14.7 barrels in stock. You could build an upper

Anyone want any new old stock pre-ban 30rd mags? $35 each. Colt manufacture and I believe they’re internally date stamped.

Yea man. I’m going to be needing them. Their yours right??

I would probably take 3.

Ok. Joey’s taking two, youll get the other three. Should have them here within a few days.

Good deal on some nice clips.

love 30 round clipz

I have a few for sale also if anyone’s I interested let me know. 20s and 30s.

How much ?

Would like a 20.

$35 each.

Lest we forget which state we live in;

Anyone have info on who still has AR parts in stock? Most sites I’ve seen are out. I still need to buy all the parts for an upper.

Well I can say my carbon handguards will be hitting the market in a couple weeks. Preorders will likely begin within the week here and I know at least half of the first run has been spoken for.

I’ll have a teaser photo up today at some point.

dibs pending picture lol

Hope you’re including me in first run.

Also interested pending price and looks.

Eating dinner in a few moments here. Will be taking some pictures of the first decent prototype thereafter and will post it on the forums. It’ll be under a separate thread in the Offbeat section as I don’t want it buried here. Vlad will approve since he’s a sponsor of my company.

So I followed the internet rabbit hole starting with gun control. And I eventually ended up with pre-selected sites throughout the country for FEMA Prison Camps in case of a civil uprising.

It’s apparently a well known idea or emergency plan in case of another civil war. Oddly enough, I followed one of the locations. It was the Port Authority in Albany. :stuck_out_tongue:

On another note, there are some seriously scary thoughts and conspiracy theories that the de-arming of the citizens is “just the first step”.