The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

I think the joke went over your head, Mr. SRS.

I personally think they would make a badass wall decoration.

Found one place - sold out at the moment.

And that’s Captain Srs to you :ahh

Not badass for you. You need an RPG.

i want a rpg for the terrorist stigma i have due to my nationality

Cathleen is a good family friend and very pro gun no worries at all on her man . She will fight for those for us . Her family is about the shooting sports etc . I went with her husband last yr shooting and that’s where I re fell in love again with the a/r 10 lol

Yeah I knew she was pro gun, which is why I specifically wrote to her(she’s toga country) Sent he a long polite business email with multiple links and references for background knowledge that she may not be aware of as most people are.

Isn’t there somebody here who owns a tec9? There is one up f/s on NYF, but I’m not sure if I really want it or not.

Killerblackbird maybe?

The one on NYF is different from an actual TEC9. KBB has a legit one.

TEC9s are apparently much higher quality than the DC9 such as the one on NYF.

I own a TEC9 and a DC9. Essentially they’re identical with the exception of the sling harness straps mounting position. They both fire the same way. Internals are both the same.

DC9 is a relabeled TEC9 that meant “Designed for California” so it wouldn’t draw as much negative attention. The KG9 was the first variant, those were made by Interdynamic and fired from an open bolt. The KG99 replaced the KG9 since the ATF didnt like the open bolt and it then fired from a closed bolt. The AB10 was made after the 1994 Asault Weapons Ban (AB meant “After Ban”) - it had no threaded barrel, no barrel shroud, and a 10 round mag which the larger mags still fit on them with no issue.

In chronological order:


My TEC9 has a 5 digit serial number and is fairly old, im a huge fan of TEC9’s and the whole TEC9 family. They’re fun to shoot but the magazine openings aren’t all identical and may need to be adjusted otherwise every few rounds they’ll do a FTF and jam up. I’d LOVE to find a KG9 or KG99 but they go for quite a bit. How much is the one for sale?

Just found that for sale thread on NYF, decent price. It’s a DC9 with no barrel shroud and what looks like a 20 round mag. Both of mine have barrel shrouds and threaded barrels which the barrel shroud, to me, looks better. It looks naked without it. I have one 50-round mag and five 32-round, you might be able to find another higher capacity magazine for it.

Here’s a pic of my TEC22, TEC9, and DC9:

Jim is a boss. That is all.

Alls I can think of when I see those guns is a lowered impala and a drive by.

If you ever shoot one, the first thought you have will be: “I feel like I should be in a Notorious BIG video”.

*See TEC9’s beginning at 2:59 in the video below:

Just announced wants to ban assault rifles, high capacity magazines ,all Internet ammo sales in ny and stop private sales of firearms.

keep writing your reps everyone, nothing is over until the bill is signed into law, if you have the time to send personalized emails and letters or make phone calls do so.

Didn’t want to stop private sales, just require a background check. I know the effectively stops many of them because people don’t want to be bothered, but there is a difference. We already have a high capacity mag ban, so idk what he was talking about there. Banning Internet ammo sales is bullshit.

As BDSKJChris said, keep writing your reps. I write mine almost once a week on this.

the standard cap mag ban would be retroactive, no more pre ban mags, they last proposed bill i saw was basically defining an assault weapon as anything that can accept a magazine which can hold more than 10 rounds, in other words if there is any magazine in existence for your firearm that holds more than 10 rounds, that firearm is an assault weapon, not to rant but we need to stop calling 20 and 30 rounders “high capacity” they are standard capacity, (what the firearm was originally designed to use, instead refer to 10 rounders as “low capacity” thats what they really are, the last AR i purchased ships from the factory with a STANDARD PMAG 30 round magazine, before it can be sold in NYS it is replaced with a 10 round low capacity magazine, we do not own assault weapons, the military does, all these words that the anti-gunners use are meant to win people over to their side, lets use the correct terms and educate people about firearms so they can make more logical decisions and form opinions based on fact not fear of the unknown.

I meant to go back and edit that in after processing all the bullshit he just spewed the last hour.

All 7 points

  1. Enact toughest assault weapon ban in nation
  2. Close private sale loophole
  3. Ban high capacity magazines
  4. Enact tougher penalties for gun crimes (school zone violations, felons possessing, etc)
  5. Keep guns from the mentally ill
  6. Ban direct internet sales of ammo
  7. Create state NICS check on all ammo purchase.