The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

Have fun, New York.

we need to fight that ban as it will illegalize damn near every firearm around, the state nics check for ammo is just more bs ways to tax us and the tougher penalties for felony posession will screw us because diaz’s proposed ban will make almost every responsible gun owner a felon as of april 1st 2014, doing away with private sale and transfer also means that you cannot give your firearm to a family member, when you die the government will take your guns.

  1. Pretty sure the existing one already is. CA might be worse.
  2. PITA…but makes sense. I can live with it.
  3. Depending on the definition of high capacity, I could live with that. It would suck…but 10 rounds is still enough to defend my home from 1 or 2 intruders.
  4. I am 100% ok with this.
  5. Also 100% ok with this.
  6. Bullshit.
  7. Bullshit.

I’m moving to Vermont.

If this law is enacted as Cuomo wants it I’m serriously considering it as well.

  1. Nothing more than an fucking agenda pusher, bullshit.
  2. PITA yes. I’m on both sides of the fence on this subject. As an RGO, I can see the necesseity to make sure someone who legally CAN own the gun doesn’t just sell it to someone who shouldn’t. But then the flip side is, they’re now telling me what I can legally have, but can’t legally sell except to a gun store who will now either fucking rip me off or take a cut if it’s a FTF sale made AT the store for legality purposes.
  3. wants to ban all “hi cap” mags and impose a 7 round limit, which will make ALL existing mags in NY currently illegal except for the ones that are five rounds for hunting.
  4. definitely ok with this
  5. ditto
  6. bullshit agreed as it does/solves nothing except to impose a potential tax for instate stores sales, or force people across the borders to buy ammo, which is exactly what I’d do.
  7. understandable to a sense, and if it’s the case well fine. You have to have an NCIS check done when you purchase any firearm from a store as is. Running one for ammo to anyone who is currently capable(aka legal) to purchase it it’ll just be an annoyance.

There’s a gun show in Barre next month, city mayor wanted “no military style weapons being sold or shown”. He got told tough shit.

I just hope nothing too drastic changes. I’m all for better change but some or most of these laws prevent nothing and everyone is in such an uproar about tyrannical governments, UFOs, and bigfoot dressed as Obama they fail to properly express themselves about it. If several thousand pro-gun citizens made arrangements to sit down with and educate those making the laws, we’d be much better off. Right now its like a bunch of 12 year old boys designing womens clothing, they got the job done but nothing fits and can’t be put to good use.

Vermont, for us, isn’t the answer. Taxes appear to be pretty high. Penn isn’t looking too bad but if I’m giving up my retirement I’m going to get the hell away from the cold weather.

Agreed. This situation needs a bunch of level headed people who can convey information to others in a calm manner. I’m in if it comes to it…

Can’t wait to be a criminal once I get back to NY. From what it looks like for now, the 7rd mags are out, they’d be keeping the 10rd limit BUT possibly making pre-bans illegal along with preban semi-auto rifles and pistols.

While I enjoy my freedom, JVG and I will be in Orlando tomorrow, hopefully firing some MP5s and other full-auto/select fire goodies. Maybe an SBR too.

SMH at posts in the thread…

No homo but I was thinking about you and this issue. :rofl

who’s got revolvers? looking at a 686 or maybe a 629 but looking for input on other models. must be full lug, as the half lug bullshit looks stupid and full lug looks like a boss.

3-6.5 barrel only, nothing bigger, nothing smaller. would really prefer 4, 5, 6.

S&W 686P here, 7-round .357 mag. Can’t go wrong with an S&W revolver.

agreed while I don’t own any my farther inlaw has a few and both the .38 special and .357 that I have fired on occation are great firearms.

what length?

im only getting a S&W, but dont know much more about the other models. i know im most interested in 686.

There is a national peaceful protest on the 19th. State capital building at noon. more details here:
and here: [ame][/ame]

I can’t remember off the top of my head, its around 6". My friend has an original model 29 (steel .44mag) and shoots as perfect as a new one.

pm sent with eye candy :number1

anyone going to the protest on the 19th?