The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

ill be out of state, unfortunetly…

i am wondering why they set it up for a saturday? how many peole work in the capital building on a saturday?

more likely to get protesters to come out if they don’t have to be at work.

what state will you be in? are you going to it’s capital?

Sadly, I won’t be able to. I am 4 hours away in Buffalo, and have some work on the house scheduled for that day. Figured the next best thing I could do is spread the word.


i’m going and trying to bring as many with me as possible.

Bring every one you can, kids, adults, dogs (on leashes), grandma! I’ll be there in spirit.

The news said its a national day of support for gun rights and to show up at your favorite gun store with signs of support…

which can make sense… 2000 people on city hall looks tiny… 200 people at 10 different gun stores slows traffic and creates more news…and likely much more support than the 2000 that may go downtown. Look into it

The capital is too far for most in the state that may have a few hours they might give

fuck it i’ll go downtown for an hour and then hit up a gun store for another. Worst case ontario i buy more guns. LOL

Didn’t know about the thing at LGS. I’ll totally do that for an hour or two. Maybe I can walk out of there with a semi-decently priced stripped lower too.

i’ll be there

At the capitol? I may be down as well.

B and j only selling .223/5.56 …20 round boxes. $15. No more cases. No quantity discounts.

highway robbery

yeah i’ll be at the capital

And Taylor and vadney will only sell battle strips of 200 rd max. At $180

Doing the tour today and just keeping updates flowing

I wanted to go to the capital. It may still be possible. But I won’t have a car anyhow. :confused:

Where would you be coming from

Um yeah unless I’m tied up with the new baby, I’m going to be there.

I’m glad to see people are going to be going to the capital building. I’ll be at my LGS here in Buffalo.

The NRA fucked up with their response to Sandy Hook, but I like their response to the ‘Task Force’ Biden put together:

Though, it seems maybe Biden has some sense:

In that article they say he is going to recommend a limit on magazine size and increased background check, but not a ban on assault weapons. Not the ideal outcome, but one I think most people could live with, depending on the limited size. I don’t think a limit on mag size will prevent further incidents like Sandy Hook, but it would let the politicians screaming for gun control ‘get’ what they want so the nation can focus on larger issues.

Magazine size in theory would make very many guns illegal… How many 7 round mags do you own?

Also until they completely take our guns, they won’t stop. The bottom line is they want our guns. All of them. They don’t give two fucks about the sandy victims but that’s a way to get more people on there side. We’re fucked. Wouldn’t be surprised if bama try’s to name his self king and stay after his second term.
