The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

fuck this piece of shit state.

thanks for turning tens of thousands of dollars of my business into an illegal activity you fucking elected pile of shit goons.

Del-ton DTI-15, Yankee Hill Muzzle Brake )pinned welded, and a pinned UTi Stock ammo and two 20rd “preban” mags

wtf is a delton? don’t gouge me on your wal mart gun. ill give you $600


Aren’t preban magazines illegal in NY now? Did I read that right?


Fuck the mags, 95% of my guns and probably equal amounts of JVG’s guns are now considered illegal asssault weapons according to that bullshit!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!? what the fuck!

So what happens to your ARs? You can’t own them? You have to give them up?


Boy I hope that doesn’t happen here.

YOu have to register them within one year and they cant be sold to anyone in NY once this is officially a law

I’m hoping something happens to overturn this abomination.

That’s ridiculous.

Emotion filled decisions put into law that will have little to no change in violence or crime they are intended to prevent.

I wonder what they’ll say when the next tragic event occurs?

they certainly won’t apologize. they’re going to come for MORE of your shit stating that this communistic law clearly isn’t strong enough!

It’s the guns fault is what they’ll say. Why wouldn’t they do any different, to save face.

this is bad, really really bad.

So… who wants to move to VT and just commute to NY?

As I like to call it… Killabirding


But no one will do anything about it. We will all sit here and give in. Like gutless, spineless girls. Quite a hit this week; more money out of your paycheck and some new gun laws that make you a criminal overnight.

anyone who wanted a pistolpermit is now fucked.

these fuckers will never learn. Whever the next horrible tragedy happens, because it will because humnas are fucked up, they’ll find some other way to blame the fucking guns and take more shit away.

Thank you all you fucking lazy ass piece of shit cock sucking welfare sucking piles of shit that call yourself AMERICANS…I hope the fucking land opens up and swallows your worthless pile of flesh up so that it stops shitting all over my freedom.

Go fuck off