The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

That would be me.

I must have missed how it effected pistol permits? I know it limits what you can buy… any other way?

We may be in the same boat here, we’ll have to see what gets passed on a federal level.

Life goes on without guns, not the end of the world, but its the fact of ridiculous laws that do nothing is what the issue is.

I don’t see much of anything happening federally.

Same. I procrastinated for a long while… Than Sandy Hook happened, and I said I should wait for all this to die down. Now this. :frowning:

ANNNNNNNND this is the kind of mentality that got us in this fucking position so no, I’m not going to sit here and believe that one fucking bit… No offense to you, but that is just stupid thinking…

You really have no idea where I am coming from. I did my part on the state level.

A ban/new legislation has done nothing but lose steam on the federal level. Lobbying groups actually give a shit about what happens federally. There is a massive amount more support on the federal level. Look at the guy from texas threatening to file impeachment papers if obama uses an executive order. Do you see any of that shit in NY? No. Not a fucking thing here. We never had a chance. This state is FUCKED.

I feel sorry for you guys. If your gun shop relies heavily on AR based gun sales you’re pretty much done.

what we need to do is organize and plan the next step.

Don’t register your guns. If 75% of gun owners said “Fuck you, not gonna” maybe they’ll change. All those emails everyone wasted their time sending probably went to a spam mail box.

I understand that but you did your part, along with countless others, and this still happened so why would you go around thinking it wouldn’t happen on a federal level, especially with some asshat like Obama in office? Makes no sense what so ever.

Again nothing against you personally because I’d bet a shit ton of money that MANY people think like you, but unlike you an I, they won’t get off their lazy fucking butts to do anything about it.

I’ll join that group.

I agree with this. MASSIVE noncompliance.

Adam, I am just saying the federal landscape is much different than NYS. I don’t want to see anything else federally, even if it wouldn’t effect us, I’ll do my part to keep that from happening too. I am just more optimistic on that front than I was on this one.

FUCK I’m not going to sleep for SHIT tonight.:banghead

This is what tends to happen in an OBAMAnation


I’ll all for massive non-compliance!

agreed, but it all starts in the mindset. Have to keep vigilant there or everything else is just a wash.

And +1 to that, I can forsee my CNC running all fucking night now keeping me busy…FUCK

Yup, they don’t have enough jail space for less than 1% of all the gun owners in this state.

i’m turning to the Jack for help tonight.

If millions can choose not to get a job and rely on tax dollars to support them, then fuck it. You’re already a criminal. The bill has passed. Massive noncompliance is a non violent protest.

Jim…I love you :slight_smile:

I’m not up on my state senate laws but a state senate vote can be appealed correct? If so I imagine it goes through state supreme court.