The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

Lololololololol I am posting this everyplace!

holy fuck that’s a lot of lead…

You’ve gotta stop reading those sources that lead people by fear. We’ve been over this.

ATK Civil Ammunition Business to Supply DHS With High Performance Ammunition
January 04, 2007 (1:30 PM EST)

MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 4 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ – Alliant Techsystems has received a series of contracts to supply the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with a variety of small-caliber ammunition. If all contract options are exercised, the total value could exceed $90 million. This series of contract awards elevates DHS to one of ATK’s top three civil ammunition customers. Work on the contracts will be performed by facilities in Anoka, Minnesota and Lewiston, Idaho.

ATK will provide rifle ammunition to DHS’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division under a five-year opportunity with a potential total value of approximately $75 million. The contract includes a mix of enhanced performance rounds capable of barrier penetration, as well as standard duty ammunition.

In addition, the company announced it will provide DHS’s U.S. Coast Guard with 40-caliber tactical pistol ammunition, also under a five-year opportunity, with an estimated total value of $15 million if all options are exercised.

“ATK has pioneered significant advances in projectile technology and has incorporated these improvements into the rounds it will provide to DHS,” said Mark DeYoung, President, ATK Ammunition Systems Group. “This ammunition performs extremely well against a variety of barriers.”

ATK is a $3.4 billion advanced weapon and space systems company employing approximately 15,000 people in 22 states. News and information can be found on the Internet at .

You want to see your tax money going to useless shit? Well there you go. Lobbyists are the worst kind of freeloaders and moochers.


Wasn’t posted because of fear mongering. I know those sites are a joke 99% of the time. I posted it because I read 1.6 billion bullets purchased and was like, holy fuck that’s alot of lead, wish i could buy .00001% of that here in NYS without issues right now.

It’s like reading the tabloids and enquirer magazines while waiting for lunch to be made at the local deli. You know the content is fucking ridiculous and just there to spark conversation and controversy among the socialites, but you still read them for shits and giggles.


I still barely have any ammo for my guns. Then again I rarely shoot so one goes with the other.

I’m wondering where the hell do they store all of them. I’m sure it takes up a lot of room and then every few years they get another order for 20 million and just sit there scratching their head like “where are we going to put all this sh$t?”

I can’t even begin to fathom the kind of space 100K rounds of .40cal would occupy, let along a couple million or a billion rounds.

I mean HOLY FUCK! Are there like giant farm silos where they just blow the shit in like alfalfa and have a little doggie dish dispensers for those that need it for training?

Cannot imagine it. I have no reference…

ya i hope the dont try to protect me with some martial law and 2.6billion bullets


fiocchi is over 1/2 billion each year in one plant. they can make hundreds of thousands .223 each day

The government keeps them in small shipping containers. Like 1/3 the size of ones on big huge ships. And inside there, there is like 6 or 9 double stacked pallets. They put 3 in/on a rig and that is how they move them around.

From what I’ve seen anyhow.

Holy shit, that’s probably the best post you’ve ever had on this forum, and it was a good one at that :slight_smile:

That would net you a whopping 1.6th of a bullet :rofl

Um, nope it’s a bit more than that sir

Yep, about 15,999.83 more.

Hmm, I’m off, but not by that much.
According to google and my own recount it’s 160.

I forgot the percent part. .00001% = .0000001, so yes, 160 it is.

A good article. No it’s not old and yes it’s good factual information going over some of the major points of this law in lamens terms :lol

How to make NY laws look good?

Make Cali laws even worse :rofl

“We need to lead the way,” Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said. “New York has stepped up and stepped forward. California needs to answer the call.”
The package of seven bills outlined at a Capitol press conference includes measures to make it illegal to possess high-capacity magazines, ban the manufacture, sale, transfer and importation of rifles with detachable magazines, regulate ammunition purchases and require additional safety training for people who purchase new handguns.
Read more here:[/LEFT]

Yup, there are cali residents signing onto NYFA to get questions about our new bullshit because of this.

ban all rifles with detachable magazines, lol

If you’re looking for ammo, PM me.

5.56 / .223
7.62 x 39
7.62 x 51 / .308
SOME 9mm