It appears you can still purchase an AR with 30 round mag for 60 days… ?
Secton 37 the assault weapons section is excluded from the 60 days… So o don’t know anymore. Noticed that yesterday
What the fuck sense does this law make? You couldn’t own anything over 10 rounds before unless it was preban and now you guys have 2-months to buy whatever you want? Who fucked up on that one?
You can not buy an ar right now.
First upper I’ve seen in stock in a long time. Thoughts???
I know it still needs a big and charge handle, btw.
Not sure when was the last time you looked but its out of stock at the moment.
Holy shit! It was available all day, fffffffuck.
Gone. :rofl
I’ve heard from my friends that some manufacturers have their product sold out and claimed for, for the entire year of production or longer…
This created bubble will last a little bit of time.
Expect a huge spike in price on weapons right before the registration deadline is NY just over a year from now.
Im still waiting to see some new designs. Someone will always “build a better mousetrap” so to speak.
on a gun i think the pistol grip is the leader. same with a detachable mag. they were designed long time ago and still in use.
some old designs are better than new ones. most companies today want to cut costs resulting in a cheaper inferior product.
there could be a better design out there but for what i can think of pistol grip ar is a good one.
whats next a metroid gun?
i heard this new law mad all rail guns illegal too? wtf is that
Rail guns? Any link to that part of the bill… I didnt see that.
Think having the stock and pistol grip as one. But in a newer ergonomic design. If I had time and the means, I would try to do something like this…
But for an “Assault Weapon”. Please excuse my awesome MS Paint skillz.
That’s considered a thumbhole stock and is banned
Negative, look at the new pic. I screwed up using black to take out the thumbhole part, so I used white this time.
that will fall under the definition of a pistol grip for certain.
doesn’t matter anyway as the fuckers at the NYSP are classifying the weapon based on the lower and it’s design. they’re “banning” the AR by name. It’s been stated and reported many times that most have recieved answers saying that even if converted to a bolt action it’s STILL an AW because of the lower(originally semi auto + pistol grip)
Just shows the complete ignorance on the platform and that it’s stock form is just one of dozens of configurations and possibilities.
Believe me I have a couple design ideas that I have whipped up to make the AR a single shot rifle, by reasonable means.
Screw it! I’m making a blunderbus then!
I’ll fill it with forks.
has this been posted yet? :lol