The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

mine took 3 months to the day from time of handing in/finger printing to time i had permit in hand. not to bad, i exspected worse.

what county was that in

Must be Schoharie or Montgomery or something :lol

nope schenectady county. Judge versaci is much more efficient with the process then judge drago was, thats why its not taking as long as it used to.

Im going for my conceal and carry through schenectady county. Hopefully wont take long

thats a roger. it was schenectady. versaci from what ive seen and heard is not bad at all. he also trys to get them in and out. as said before it took 3 months from drop off application to pick up permit, that included everything start to finish. fingerprints, background check, interview with judge, all of it.

You ever handle a USP Compact? It’s not that small, or light. Shits a brick.

I might actually get a permit than :lol

Any good links with the steps I need to do to get the process started?

^ Go down to county clerks office. They have all the forms. Least that’s how it was in Rensselaer.

May want to call first though.

links? you go get the application, take one of the approved pistol courses, bring your apllication with certificate of course to the sheriffs office at the appropriate time for finger printed. get finger printed and hand in application and wait for a letter to go meet judge.

its simple nothing to it, no hoops nothing. fill out an application hand it in at the time of finger printing and wait.

go to the county clerks office, next to the county jail and get an application. it tells you everything cut and dry.

whats nice about schenectady is when you buy a handgun you can get it that day. other countys i heard there is a wait, and someone mentioned in albany county you actually have to go to court each time. for schenectady you bring your reciept to the clerk and within ten minutes your out the door with your new gun on your permit.

Thanks guys, didn’t think it was that easy to get started.

Rens County there is no wait. Albany county there is a major wait. Have to just get your permit amended by the clerk who is the nicest lady on the planet.

albany county is no wait? i heard there was… oh well dont really matter either way since im schenectady.

I edited that, it didn’t make sense. Sorry.

Albany county has a wait when you want to buy another gun. Can be weeks/months I heard.

ahh. yeah that sucks. no wait amendments ftmfw. im actually going to make an amendment today.:rockon

Its not super compact but id think itd be a good carry gun.

Yes I have handled one and I think its a very comfortable gun, I hate super compact guns, very uncomfortable to hold

Not comfortable to carry.

Carried as 1911 for a while but now I have a ruger lcp

That’s the gun my cousin(NYPD) has as his backup, and has one for home defense as well. Awesome gun to shoot, has virtually no kick due to rubberized grip. Shooting .410 00 buck out of it is awesome :slight_smile:

I think for a carry, I’d pick a Glock 27. .40 caliber, and TINY.