The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

:rofl Your retarded. 1. The soldiers on the base are more heavily armed than you’ll ever be. 2. If the base had already been taken over by zombies, Your fucked because its overrun with zombies.




this aint shawn of the dead *****

While we’re all on the ZA cloud, if you’re going to pick a gun for the zombie apocalypse it better shoot 7.62x59, .243, or 9mm. Three most common ammunition types available. If I had my choise I’d go .243 for many reasons.

You people don’t watch enough zombie movies. Arm yourself with silent stuff. Cross or compound bows, katanas, and weapons like that. Save the explosives for when shit gets thick.

zombie killer

I may or may not have read the “Complete Zombie Survival Guide.” Humorous, for sure. They recommended M1As, but that was behind tomahawks, bows, etc… due to the sound from gunfire attracting more zombies.

cant wait to own one of those ksg shotguns.

Awesome discussion!
Cossey, have you ever shot one of those Mosins before? For the price, I wouldn’t mind owning one.
I have a cz58, but I do not want to put a scope on it b/c I love the way it looks out of the box.
I have been thinking of getting an AR, but on the fence about spending that amount of cash on a gun right now. Maybe next year.
That Kel-Tec is friggin sweet! I must own.

My ideal set up would be a DPMS Panther Sportical, a 1911 and a machete for the up close stuff.

The SKS has a bayonet on it, bi-winning

I have not, no. I know JVG has one, and I’m pretty sure v8lonoma has one as well. I’d hope they have shot them by now lol.

I’m in the process of building an AR-15, should be a good zombie killer.

Cossey take me shooting.

Ok. When you free?

Anyday after 5 except wednesdays and sundays. Although the next few weekends may be quite busy due to the wedding coming up.

I want to go shooting. :frowning:

I’ll pay for the ammo I shoot.


i have shot them, but have not shot the one i own yet. i really want to has its got a lot of mods to it. i need to post a picture of it, and some of my other stuff.

youd be disgusted by the amount of guns i own that i havnt gotten to shoot yet. im embarressed to even post it publicly lol :lol three of them do shoot 5.7 though.

working 70-100 hours a week to pay for all of them doesnt leave me much time to shoot them all.

weak, pics or they dont exist

Mosin Nagants are a GREAT rifle. I have one here, Jon has one as well. One of my favorites to shoot although I haven’t done so in a long time. Although if I were to go buy an old rifle, I’d probably get a Mauser Karabiner(98k model) which shoots the slightly larger 8x57mm cartridge.

Open Trap shooting at Sportsmen’s Club of Clifton Park at 9am I think I’m going to go try that out.

trap is a great time. what are you using? i have a nice winchester model 101 12 gauge i use when i shoot trap. want to get an other trap gun and maybe a skeet gun to.