The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

No I wouldn’t chase after them, as I have no legal right to pursue someone.

I use a owb paddle holster for in house and home situations.

If they don’t present that type of threat you prematurely drew.

Not to mention I won’t be rolling around with someone either…

I use what I posted sometimes but most of time I use pancake style.

Pretty sure blackhawk was just banned from some training classes for safety reasons.

Where do people come up with this? No legal right to pursue someone who just attempted to break into your house? You must be nuts. There’s no a cop in the state that would arrest you for chasing and detaining a person who just tried to kick your door in.

Its not prematurely drawing…If someones climbing in your window and you have a gun on, you’re not going to draw down on him before he has the chance to get inside possibly attack you with a weapon?

No legal right…no, but if something happens(IE you beat the shit out of suspect during chase, even in self defense) and you end up in court here in NY you are going to have ALOT to explain for to keep the prosecutors at bay. This isn’t texas that’s for certain.

Fucking hell if someone breaks into your house at night and you kill them, you better be damn sure that they have a weapon in hand, have their feet pointing in your direction, and that you had no other way out. Fucking stupid yes but tis the way it is.

Again, I think people just assume theyre going to go after these people…there would not even be charges against someone who chased a burglar and beat him up…I know for a fact…at least in this area…

Easy, he tried to break into my house I tried to make a citizens arrest, he ran I caught him and in order to detain him I used needed for to stop him from escape.

ehhh…I still think you’d be in a heap of shit if he was trying to get away. It may sound all fine and dandy and logical, but as we all know, the laws here in the state are far from logical.

LMAO. dude if you chased him down and beat him up, youd be going to court to lol.

as far as drawing, im not showing my hand until its time to act. an other im not drawing for scare factor or w.e else. im drawing as a LAST resort, talking the situation down didnt work, fleeing didnt work, etc.

pretty much, if i draw im firing type thing. im not drawing until i need to shoot.

Ok, well I’m saying I know for a fact for example of people breaking into someones cars…and them being chased, beaten and detained until police got there…more than one instance and the police didn’t even think to charge the person who caught them.

well yeah cop may over look it, doesnt mean in court or civil matters youd get away with it.

i mean every situation is going to be different.

if im laying in bed, hear a car window smash, rush outside with my glock and the dudes running up the road, im calling the cops and hanging out for them. insurance replaces windows, im not going to run after someone middle of the night hoping he doesnt turn on me and shoot or stab or hide. if the cops get em they get em type thing.

if im in walmart taking a dump and a guy walks in with a knife and says give me your wallet, well yeah hes going to be stareing at my glock barrel not my wallet.

every situation is different, but im saying if its bad enough for you to draw, surely the 5 seconds of reholstering the style holster i posted you, isnt going to hurt anything lol. .

and as far as “rolling around”, if youd draw on someone half through your window, why would you not draw before or during “rolling around” with someone.

In NYS that can constitute assault as you had no right to “beat” them. Also opens you up to a world of lawsuits in this day an age. you’ve got to be REALLY careful with this.

99.9% of the time it’s just not worth it unless life and limb are on the line.
Someone breaks into my truck outside I may try to scare them off but that’s it. Someone breaks into my house with wife and daughter upstairs sleeping they’re in for a world of hurt, and I’d deal with any consequences thereafter. As stated, circumstance apply greatly.

This makes me :rofl. I totally need to see this happen first hand in this life time.


Magpul AFG2

Magpul SSG safety selectors

i have 3 of those!!!

Left handed?

SICK gun, great pick up!

Nope, it’s mostly right handed (which I am) although it has a few ambidextrous controls like the safety and mag release. The bolt handle is easier for me to manipulate on the left side, but I can switch it to right side easily. Spent cases eject from right side too, but it shouldn’t be much of a problem for a left handed shooter.

Ahhh, still being new havent seen too many bolt handles on the left side, just stuck out to me

Yeah it’s a similar setup to the benelli. charging handle can be swapped over pretty quick.

Of all the frills on the SCAR, the charging handle is by far the best thing.

I enjoyed shooting Cosseys SCAR, very comfortable gun to shoot.

My newest addition to the family. Was finally able to get JVG to parts ways with and sell me his GSG-522 a few weeks ago and have since torn the rifle down and gone through it 150%

If you’d like to read up on the entire process, I had a little build thread over on NY firearms you can view going into great detail.

Final color scheme is my Sand shark skin camo. You almost cannot see the subtle scheme unless holding the rifle. Was the first time I painted this onto a rifle with as many complex features. One I usually leave for more simple rifles(aka rem 700).

I hate to say this, but it kind of looks like a toy. It might just be the pictures though.